Objectives: Cross the Wall of Dreams to reach the Emperor's
Artifacts: Goa Burial Mask, Halberd Plate
CUT SCENE: Camera pans over the Underworld stopping on Indy
at the portal.
Walk forward along the path and then turn left to face the
terracotta guards.
CUT SCENE: A blue spirit manifests itself behind the guards
and an electrical burst eminates nearby.
Fight the guards and destroy the spirits. The blue one spawns
yellow ones and a painful burst of energy. Kill it as soon
as you can. (I recommend using the Pa Cheng on any spirits.)
CUT SCENE: The field around the golden pillars disappears.
Go to the pillars. Spin them from right to left and quickly
jump across and swing across them.
CUT SCENE: Another blue spirit manifests itself and locks
the next set of pillars in an energy field.
Defeat all enemies same as before and then go to the next
set of pillars.
Quickly spin them in this order: 2, 4, 3, 1. Now run and
swing across them as quickly as you can.
CUT SCENE: Another blue spirit manifests and releases some
yellow spirits into some terracotta guards.
Same thing all over again for this next section of wall.
CUT SCENE: Blue doesn't get the clue!
Spin the right and then the left pillar. Jump to the first
floating ledge and then swing to the second. Now Run and jump
to the next section of the Wall.
CUT SCENE: Another blue dude and some more clay pigeons.
Take out the enemies and then face away from the next pillars.
See the series of hanging lanterns?
As you face the lanterns look down to the ledge on the side
of the wall to your right. Hop down to it and walk around
on it. Pick up the Halberd Plate. Now go back to the lanterns.
Swing across them and fight the enemies. Now pick up the
Goa Burial Mask lying with the skeleton. (I just grabbed the
Mask and ran!)
Swing back across the lanterns and go to the five pillars.
Spin 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
CUT SCENE: Indy swings to safety and runs into the Emperor's