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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
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The Emperor's Tomb

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  Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb


3A. Istanbul Breakout

Objectives: Escape from the cell and recover your equipment. Find a way into the ruined Mosque.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans down to Indy in a cell. Croc-bait enters and tells Indy he's gonna get interrogated. Then Mei Ying frees Indy after Croc-bait leaves.

Beat up the two Turks that enter the room and exit through the door. Take on the next bad guy and pick up his knife. Go down both sets of stairs and through the open gate.

Take out the guard and walk through the first archway. Look behind the boxes on your left and pick up a grenade. Peek through the next arch and throw the grenade at the guard standing on the upper ledge.

Now run to the table ahead of you and pick up the MP40. To your right is a box of more grenades. Pick one up and throw it at the guard to your left (as you ran for the table).

Once that guard is dead go to his wall. Now turn around. The wall you are now facing has a portion missing. Climb up onto that broken wall and go down the stairs ahead of you. Around the side of the stairs is another box of grenades. Use them to take out the guards down the hall.

Go to the end of the hall and into the room on your left. Pick up your stuff from the table. (Obviously you need to pick up the satchel before you can pick up the other stuff.)

Walk back down the hall and up the stairs. Go to the hole in the wall and use your whip to swing over atop the wall ahead of you. Pick up any ammo and other goodies that guard may have left you.

Now proceed down the stairs and jump down into the area ahead of you. Fight the guards and then run to the box of grenades on your left.

CUT SCENE: A Turk mans a machine gun turret.

Pick up a grenade and, very carefully, position yourself in a place where you can lob it up into the Turk. Once he's gone run to where the turret is and climb up the wall.

CUT SCENE: Guards rush toward Indy's position.

Take control of the turret (see Inventory for more info). Take out the guards and then make your way down the ramp from which the guards came. Now down the stairs on your left.

CUT SCENE: Three guards ambush Indy.

Still have your MP40? I hope you do. Take out the three guards. Toy with them if you'd like, but kill them one way or another. As you fight them...

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying joins Indy in the fight.

When Mei Ying starts to run away. Chase her.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying does a flip over the gate, while Indy stands there in shock. (You know what they say, white men can't jump.)

Finish off any guys left over and pick up any goodies left lying around. Now go through the door ahead of the stairs and up on to the highest level of the scaffolding.

Swing on the chain to the upper level with the window. Walk out the window and jump down to the scaffolding on your right. Climb to the top of it and up onto the other building.

Now walk around the tower and stand next to the large box. Press Y to shove it off the lift.

CUT SCENE: The box falls, breaking to pieces on the ground. Indy rises on the lift to the upper part of the tower.

Get off the lift and use the zip-line to your left. Climb down the scaffolding and walk towards the next one.

CUT SCENE: Indy's got company.

Take out the soldiers and climb up the next scaffolding. At the top, face the wall and climb over it. Now up the next scaffolding and on to the wall. Take out the guard and turn left.

Break open the box and then more scaffolding. (This is almost as bad as the "ledges" in Chapters 1 and 2!) At the top of that scaffolding, climb onto the wall and drop off on to the small lip around the dome to the left of the door.

Walk around the lip to the other side and climb down into the enclosed area. Enter the shaded room on your right and grab the manuscript from the shelf.

Now fill up at the fountain and climb back up to the lip. Walk back around to the ledge and jump off the lip into the area on your right. Now climb back up the scaffolding and up to the level with the door and go through it to complete the section.

3B. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 1

Objectives: The Nazis are excavating something below the Mosque. Get down there and find out what it is.

CUT SCENE: The Nazis have actually found something without Indy's help! It's Indy's turn to steal it from them!

Walk through the door to your left and down the hall. At the end of the hall, use your whip to swing across the broken floor.

Now walk to your right and jump out and use your whip to swing again. Now proceed to the top of the ramp on your right and slide down. At just the right moment, jump up and whip to swing on the lantern to the ledge in front of you.

Run around to the opposite side of that area and pick up the med kit and ammo. Now go back to where you were and go through the door.

Slowly walk down the hall to your left until you see the guards. Take them out and pick up their Mausers. Now hug the wall on your left and straff around it edge to where the guard is patrolling. Take him out and release the wall.

Take out the two Nazis and go to the table at the back of the room. Pick up the ammo and other goodies. Now head through the door to your left.

Go down the stairs and take out the Turks. Now go through the next door on your right and down the stairs. Walk to the left edge of the ledge and jump out and swing to the other side.

(If you fall in the water, either follow the PETA method and swim quickly to the shore with the ledges and ladder. Or kill the shark and THEN swim to the shore. Your call.)

Take out the guards and walk AROUND the left side of the hole in the floor. (Why whip-swing where you don't have to?)

Now hug the wall on the right side of the next hole and slide around the right wall. You should now be standing on a triangular outcropping.

Run forward and use your whip to swing across the drop to the water below. Walk around that level along the wall toward the fountain (hugging the walls where you need to).

Fill up at the fountain and return to where you swung in. Jump across the nearby ledge and then down to the one below (Watch out! It hurts!)

Ready your whip and face the archway below. Back up as far as you can and then run and jump out to the lamp by the door. Swing on it landing in the hallway.

Hug the right wall and slide down to the intersection with the hallway to the right. Ready a gun and then peek around the corner and take out the patrolling Nazis.

Go down the hall they were patrolling and take out the next few guards. Find your way to the room with all the boxes. Break open the boxes and pick up the stuff sitting on the table to your right (as you entered). Return to the intersection of the halls and turn right.

Go to the dead end and use the Demo Charge to blow away the wall. Now go through the hole you just created.

3C. The Secret of the Mosque: Part 2

Objectives: Get to the crane and use it to descend into the pit.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the next area as the roof collapses behind him.

Run forward and roll under the crack in the wall. Walk forward and pick up the Ottoman Seal from the table. Now roll back under the wall.

Take out the Turks and Nazis patrolling in the room to your right. Climb up the scaffolding on your left (as you enter the room) and the use the whip on the lamp to swing over to more scaffolding.

Now face right underneath the upper level of the scaffolding you are on. Run and jump over to the scaffolding by the door.

Go through the door and turn left. Climb up on the ledge and then jump up and grab onto the smaller ledge to your left. Make you way to the left under the door above the one you came in and climb up.

Go through that door and turn left. Jump from the ledge you're on to the one across from you. Walk forward and drop down to the scaffolding to your right.

Go through the door and whip-swing across to the next door. Run down the hall and jump to the boxes below. Fight the guards and break open all the boxes. Fill up your canteen at the fountain.

As you fought the soldiers more should have come down an elevator so that you could beat them up too. Go to that elevator and pull the red lever inside it.

CUT SCENE: Indy rides the lift up.

Get out and go through the door in front of you. Break open the boxes and climb the ladder on the crane (Straight ahead as you entered). Go to the controls of the crane.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to the large Greeco-Roman Statue Head.

Use the crane controls by pressing Y. Follow the instructions to lift the head and bring it towards you.

CUT SCENE: Head hangs near the crane. Nazis lower and climb down a ladder.

Eliminate the annoying red sleeves and then head for the head (hehe). Climb the ladder they came down and then walk around the opening to the other side. Climb the crane by using the ledge, then next ledge, then the ladder, and then the ramp. Now jump out and swing over to the head.

CUT SCENE: Indy takes a plunge into the pit.

3D. The Sunken Palace

Objectives: Find a Map of the Sunken City. Make an enterance into the Palace of Belisarius.

CUT SCENE: Indy falls into the waters of the Sunken Palace.

Swim around to the left of the pillar and get out where the boxes are. Pick up the oxygen tank and break open the box. Now dive into the next pool and swim under the arch.


Either fight the shark or try and out run it. If you out run it, it's friend will see you and come join the fun.

After fighting it swim back out the arch and get air. Now watch the arch for the next shark. When it comes, fight it as well.

If you decided to out run them swim to the left and get out quickly. If you decided to fight, dive back under and go through the arch, swim to the left and get out.

Walk up the stairs beyond the pillars and down on to the dock area. Fight the soldier and break open all the boxes that are lying around. Now go into the building that the Nazi was guarding.

Go to the table and pick up the map and the medkit. Now go to the shelves and grab the speargun. Go out the back door of the building and break open the boxes.

Roll under the wall and fill up at the fountain. Now go back through and exit the building and go down the ladder to the dock.

Now jump in the water and swim down to your right where the two scuba-Nazis are. Fight them and then pick up the Demo Charges in the box.

Exit that pool and head back to where you fought the sharks. Swim all the way back to where you picked up the oxygen mask and get out of the water.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a damaged pillar.

Jump in and swim over to the damaged pillar. Climb up and place a Demo Charge. Now jump back into the water and stay under until the explosion.

CUT SCENE: Pillar topples over becoming a makeshift ramp.

Swim back to the pillar and climb up the ramp you made. At the top jump over to the ledge on your left.

Make your way across the top of those ruins and then jump to the ledge across the way to your right. Walk to the end of the ledge and double whip-swing on those hooks to the next part of the ruins.

Walk along the top of those ruins and then jump to the next ledge. Make your way to the end of that set and turn right. Now run out and swing on the hook, landing on the boxes. Cut the rope. You've found the Delian Proclamation!

Jump over to the crane and climb the ladder. Go to the control panel and pick up the head. Use it to shatter the damaged wall on your right.

CUT SCENE: Face plant!

Exit the car and climb down the ladder. Walk under the crane and then up the ramp to the stone floor. Go to the hole you just made and hop up onto the ledge. Hang drop down to the other side.

Go to the back of the ruins and climb the staircase. Follow the left wall to where a ledge sticks out a bit. Jump out and whip-swing on the pipe-like support.

Face right and jump over to where the green door is. Exit through the door.

3E. The Gates of Neptune

Objectives: Make your way to the Temple of Poseidon. Find the Kraken, Seahorse, Trident, and Wine Coin. Open the Temple Gate.

CUT SCENE: Indy makes his way to the next part of the Sunken City.

Unsheath your knife or get ready to swim really fast. Now run forward and jump into the pool. Swim under the arch and straight for the otherside of the ruins. Either fight the shark or out swim it. Get out where you see the stone ledge halfway below the waterline.

Make your way to the glowing blue fish head on the wall. Swing on it to the other part of the ruins. Face left and walk to the second outcropping. Hop up on to it and hug the wall.

Slide around to the other side and drop off. Get your balance and then face right. Run and jump over to the other ledge. Now hug the wall on your left and slide around to the other side.

Climb up on top of the block under the arch and walk over to the next floor. Walk to where the floor sticks out and jump over the gap.

Climb up on top of the wall in front of you and go up the stairs. Face left and you should see a Turk patrolling. Jump over to where he is and fight him (or just shoot him like I did).

Walk through the arch the guard came from and go down the stairs. Fight the next Turk and walk down to the toppled arch. Pick up the ammo and the Wine Coin.

Somehow, make your way back to the shore with the fish head. Stand on the edge of that floor and face the large arch beyond which is an area you haven't been yet.

Jump into the pool and swim beneath that arch. If you feel like fighting the shark, do it. Otherwise, swim between those pillars straight ahead, through the underwater door, and go up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs turn right and go through the archway. Follow the pathway around and then jump over to the next structure.

Walk to the fish head and swing across. go around the side of the building and climb up onto the ledge. Get up on top of the structure and pick up the grenades which the light is pointing at.

Run through the sandstone arch and jump into the pool below. (You have the option of fighting another shark here.)

Swim to the very back of the ruins and get out using the ledge behind you. Climb up all those levels to where the light sits on top.

Climb down onto the ledge past the light and face left. Run and jump over to the next structure. Walk forward and climb down to the campfire area below.

Fight the guards and pick up the explosives. Stand on the edge of this terrace with the camp fire to your left side. Jump into the water. Swim to your left and in the first door with the light outside it.

Swim into the room through the broken gate and turn left down the hall. Pick up the medkit and return the way you came in.

Swim to your left to the back of the pool and turn around. See the damaged part of the wall? Place a Demo Charge and get out of there!

Once you hear the explosion, return to the blast location and swim inside. Pick up the Seahorse Coin and swim back out of the chamber.

Now make your way back up and over to the campfire and pick up another Demo Charge. Turn around and climb back up the ledges to the top of the structure.

At the top turn right and climb up and over the ledges to get down to the light on the other side. Now face the nearby ledge and jump over to it.

Climb up to the top of this structure and down the pillar on the other side. Go to the damaged door and place a Demo Charge. Find cover and then pick up the Trident Coin inside.

Return to the campfire and go through the door. Walk down the hall and turn left and then turn right. Go through the archway on your right and place a Demo Charge on the damaged wall. (Watch out for the hole in the floor!) Run for cover and then return to fill up at the fountain you just revealed.

Exit the room and turn right, pick up the speargun ammo. Walk forward and face the rope to your right. Jump out to it and climb up.

Swing over to the ledge on your right. Face right and run down the ledge, jumping over to the path with all the arches.

Pick up a grenade and chuck it down the hall into the room where the guards are standing. Hopefully you take all of them out. If you don't, take them on another way. Once you finish them off, go to the room at the end of the archway path.

Run down the path to your right and then jump to the next path. Run down this one and jump to the mouth of the cave. Make your way to the other end of the cave.

Jump into the pool and swim to the bottom. (Oh yeah. Shark!) Pick up the Kraken Coin. Now get out and jump over to the side with the Temple.

Proceed up the stairs and observe the different holes in the wall. Place the coins in their appropriate slots. While face the gate moving clockwise from the one closest on your left, they should go Wine, Trident, Kraken, and Seahorse.

Now turn the wheels on both sides and enter the Gate.

3F. The Fall of the Sea King

Objectives: Find the Kraken's Chamber.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters Poseidon's Temple.

Run down to the end of the hall and jump into the pool.

CUT SCENE: What lies beneath?

Swim directly forward to the back of the Temple.

CUT SCENE: Nemo-Nazis enter the area.

Take on the Nazis and pick up the Demo Charges in the cave. Place one on Poseidon's right ankle and swim away.

CUT SCENE: Explosion break Poseidon's ankle.

Swim back to the front of the temple, opposite side of the statue, and Dive down into the underwater hallway and turn left.

Swim up to the surface inside the room and get out on the ledges to your right.

Go up the stairs and enter the pump room. Climb down off of the ledge you're on and run to the whell on the wall by the ancient mechanisms. Turn the wheel.

CUT SCENE: The water stops flowing on one side of the Temple, revealing a fish head.

Turn around and face the hall directly behind you. Move around a bit to trigger the next cut scene.

CUT SCENE: Turks burst into the room down the hall you are looking.

Fight the Turks. (They have no weapons, so don't waste too much ammo on them.) Now exit the room by going back the way you came in. Return to the temple.

Once you surface in the temple, climb up on the lowest pillar. Now face left and jump to the next level up. Run down that platform and jump over to the floor.

Turn left and jump over the gap. Now turn left and go to the fish head. Swing across and walk forward slowly. The ground falls out in front of you.

Back up and then take a running jump to the other side of the broken floor. Pull yourself up and proceed forward to where the whip icon lights up.

Face the Trident on your left and jump out and swing on it. Pull yourself up and go inside the arch in front of you. Walk to your right and hug the wall to the right of the hole in the floor.

Sidestep around the hole and let go. Now turn right and go through the first archway on your right.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a crack behind Poseidon's left knee.

Jump down to the ledge behind Poseidon's large...um...statue. And place the charge. Quickly climb up the ledge to your left and run to the fountain.

CUT SCENE: Explosion breaks Poseidon's knee and shatters a pillar.

Fill up at the fountain and then dive back into the pool. Swim to the pillar that the explosion shattered and get out on top of it.

Jump to the ledge and then climb the vines to your right. Run behind Poseidon's head and take out your whip. Jump out and swing on the lantern to knock over Poseidon's statue.

3G. The Kraken's Lair

Objectives: Defeat the Kraken. Recover the third fragment of the Mirror of Dreams.

CUT SCENE: Indy falls into the Kraken's Lair.

Quickly swim to your left and get out. Climb the stairs and stock up on explosives and ammo.

The Kraken will spit out Jellyfish minions to bring you back to him. Once you either destroy them or watch them explode, jump into the pool and shoot at one of the Kraken's eyes.

The Kraken will retreat into it's cave and you'll have time to swim over to some of the pillars and place Demo Charges. Watch out for the jellyfish! They will hold you by the charges!

CUT SCENE: Pillars crack with the explosions.

Swim back to the ammo dump and pick up two more charges. Now repreat the process blowing up the next two pillars.

CUT SCENE: Kraken swims back out, only to find itself being crushed by pillars. It retreats as the water line lowers and some stairs appear leading to the piece of the mirror.

Walk up the stairs and pick up the fragment from the Mirror of Dreams.

CUT SCENE: Mei Ying reveals some interesting information about the storyline.

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