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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
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The Emperor's Tomb

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  Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb


2A. The Castle Gates

Objectives: Discover a way to slip inside the castle grounds.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans down the castle the cuts to show a bad guy smoking a cigarette. Indiana Jones enters the area behind him.

Pass the fountain on your right and beat the bad guy. Grab his Luger and then fill up your canteen at the fountain.

(Hey! What happened to my big canteen?!)

Continue down to the end of the walkway. You'll encounter another bad guy. Defeat him and find your way to the part of the walkway with the broken piece of wall in the middle.

Did you find that piece? Well, if you look up at the wall, you'll see a gap where that piece came from. Notice that gap has a ledge under it? Jump up onto the planter, and then from the planter onto the ledge. Now hop up onto the wall.

Walk down the wall to your left. Fight the bad guy (Did you notice that these agents are a bit tougher and smarter than the Ivory Hunters?) and then proceed up the stairs to your left.

Once in the room at the top, go out the next door and to the end of the hall. Sneak up on the bad guy and grab him. Beat him up and grab his Luger.

There's a chain hanging to the left side of the balcony. Climb down it and drop off. You're now inside the outer gates.

Walk down to the grassy area across the way and then down to the water spout. Jump out to the pipe and shimmy over to the ledge on your right.

Use the gargoyal to swing to the chain and then swing onto the path below. Walk around to the left and pick up the Luger and ammo. Now proceed to the opposite end of that level and hop up the ledge to your left. Proceed to the door and open it using Y.

2B. The Dungeon

Objectives: Make your way through the dungeon and up to the Castle Courtyard.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the dungeon.

(This part of the game can be very taxing on your water reserves, proceed with caution!)

Proceed down the walkway to your right. Use the gargoyal to swing down to the ledge with the ladder. Climb down the ladder and then go down the stairs to your right.

Continue all the way down into the lowest level and take out the guards in the room to your left.

Pull the gargoyal-headed lever between the two cells. Go through the room where you fought the guards and down the hall.

(Booby traps! Lots of them. Take your time through this part of the level!)

Proceed carefully through the swinging blades. Time it just right as to when the blade is midswing.

Once you pass that set of traps you face a horizontal blade. As soon as it swings into the wall, dash around the corner. Okay now go up those stairs.

Great! More blades! Take it slow. Time them before you try to get through them. Once you've figured out their system, try and beat it! I recommend timing a run past the first, then a roll and then a roll again quickly. Good luck!

(Fill up on as much health as necessary after each set of traps.)

Now proceed through the next set of traps. These are slightly easier. Walk slowly behind one rolling log and roll under as the other comes at your head.

After you make it through that there's only one set of gizmos left. They may look daunting, but they're quite simple. Just watch their timing and then run through at the right moment. That's it! Now pull the lever straight ahead.

CUT SCENE: Cell door opens, giving access to another lever.

Run to that awaiting fountain to your right. And then up the ram to your left. Swing over to that open cell and pull the lever.

Climb down the ladder and defeat that new pair of bad guys. (If you need to get to the fountain again, you can go the same way you did with the traps. Don't worry, they're disabled now.)

Once you're ready, go through that red door you opened with that last lever. Go up those sets of stairs and stand at the arch where the hanging hook is.

Jump out and then use the whip to swing to the other side. (I know this is risking, but that how Indy is.)

Hug the wall to your left and inch your way around on the small ledge. Now go up the ramp and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The cage drops.

Walk back to the cage and watch as it falls. Now jump out to the chain and climb up it. Now use it to swing over to the ledge beneath the semicircle shaped opening. Climb through the opening and defeat the guards in the hall to your left.

The second alcove on the right has a lever in it. Pull it.

CUT SCENE: Gates raise in the hall.

Run room to room and gather anything you find. Now go to the end of the hall and down the ramp to your right.

(This next part is said to be one of the most difficult parts of the game. I found it to be rather simple. Here's the solution...)

Proceed into the room with rats and jump up onto the ledge in the center of the room. Pull the right lever now jump onto the chain to your right.

Climb the chain and swing over to the one in front of you. Climb it and swing over to the alcove with the lever. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: A block drops into view.

Jump back out to the chains and get back over to the levers. Pull the left lever and jump to the chain now at your left. Swing to the next chain and then onto the ledge above the fountain.

Pull the lever on the right wall and exit the Dungeon.

2C. The Courtyard

Objectives: Find a way into the Castle's Main Keep.

Walk forward to the doorway on your left.

CUT SCENE: Camera pans to a machine gun. Hmm...with all these guards around that may be a good idea.

Sneak behind the first truck and then behind the statue to the front of the next truck. Now go between the boxes on your left and then pick up the MP40-SMG and its ammo. Hop into the truck and pick up the charge.

Fight all the guards in the courtyard (There are a lot of them!) and then place the charge on the well. Run for cover behind a vehicle or across the courtyard.

After the explosion, drop down into the well and swim all the way to the end of the underwater hallway. Climb out and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Gate opens.

Make for the gate at your left and go into the next room. Pull the lever and use the secret door to enter the Great Hall.

2D. The Great Hall

Objectives: Find a key to the library door.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Great Hall.

Fight the bad guy that enters the room and go through the door he came in. Walk down the stairs to the right and then up the stairs straight ahead. Pick up the liquor bottle and go back down the stairs.

Open the double doors and charge the guard. Smack him with the liqour bottle and then finish him off. Go up the stairs, turn right and then up the next set of stairs.

Take out the guard at the top of the stairs and then go across the balcony to the next hall. Turn right and use the whip to swing up onto the ledge above the doorway.

Drop off of the ledge and face the Great Hall. Jump out and swing over to the other side using the whip on the chandelier.

Go through the doorway on your left and then down the hall.

CUT SCENE: More bad guys!

Run across the balcony to the room across the way. Go to the ledge.

CUT SCENE: Not good. Camera shows you the path around the hall on that tiny ledge.

Hug the wall on your right and sneak around to where you saw the lever. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Watch as the huge chandalier crushes Indy's foes. Ouch!

Climb down using the ladder on your right and go to the aftermath of that little "accident". Pick up all the Lugers and the throwing knives.

Now climb back up the ladder and use your whip to swing over to the chain and now swing on the chain over to the balcony.

Proceed into the room and observe the bottles on your left and the chairs around the room (You'll need them in a second). Open the door at the rear of the room on the left wall. Some friendly visitors will come join you. Use all available weaponry to defeat them.

Now go into that room on the left and grab the key off the table under the window. Pick up the throwing knife and the Luger ammo. Return to the main room and go through the door across the way.

Now go down the stairs and open the library doors on your left.

2E. The Library

Objectives: Find the Castle Map.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Library.

Walk into the library and around to your right. Defeat the guard and then go Down the stairs. Open the doors on your left and fill up at the fountain. Go down that hallway and defeat the bad guy. Now return to the library.

Defeat the guard hiding behind the shelves and then go back up the stairs. Once at the top of the stairs turn right and run over to the left of the fireplace.

Climb up on top of the fireplace and then over to your left on to that shelf. Use the whip on the lantern to swing over to the next level of the library. (If you miss, just hop the railing behind you and hug the wall above the fireplace to get back to where you can climb up.)

Take out the guard that sees you and proceed into the area he came out of. Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The chandalier in the library lowers.

Go back out of that area and then over to where the railing ends at the middle of that level. Hang off of that small ledge and shimmy your way over to the other side.

Climb back up and then go to the alcove on your right.

New Objective: Locate an item to open the false bookcase.

Go back over to the level where the ladder was and go up it. Fight the bad guy and then pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The chandalier rises.

Jump out and use the whip on the chandalier to get over to the other side. Walk to your left and hang off of the ledge as you did a level lower. Shimmy to the middle and climb into the alcove and up the ladder. (How are you suppossed to get books in this library!) Pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: A false wall opens and something is revealed!

Make your way to that newly opened area by climbing down the ladder and hang-dropping down to the lowest level.

Fight the bad guys that come through the door and make for that new area! Pick up the book and then run all the way around that level of the library. Open the door and go up the staircase past the lever.

Now turn left and repeat the process you did before to get to the false bookcase, except this time stop midway and climb up into that alcove where the wall has lifted. Pick up the Medallion of Libuse.

Okay now that you've added to your fortune and glory, get to that bookcase! Open it with the book and ride the bookshelf around into the next room.

Go to the table on your left and get the Castle Map.

CUT SCENE: Close up of the Castle Map.


Use the bookshelf to get back out to the Library.

CUT SCENE: Bad guys enter through another false bookshelf.

Hang drop down to the level below and take out those bad guys. Pick up their weapons and go out the way they came in.

2F. The Astrologer's Clock

Objectives: Locate the first of 4 key items that will grant passage into the Alchemist's Lab. Make your way towards the Alchemist's Laboratory.

(This is so cool! It's got Alchemy in it. Oh sorry...I'll explain my excitement in the FAQ, if you care.)

CUT SCENE: Indy enters a room with his Dad's favorite animals crawling about on its floor.

Run into the room and grab the crown. Down run as fast as you can out the other door, rolling under it as it closes.

New Objective: Solve the first stage of the Astrological Clock Puzzle.

Run around the room looking at the doors. (No, we Alchemists are not off our rockers, we just like to make people think.)

Now pull the lever by the fire.

CUT SCENE: A creepy looking statue comes out of the fire. (Almost sounds like the Calcination stage of Alchemy. When one burns away the Ego.)

Go up to the statue. (Did you jump when it moved? I did. I thought I'd have to fight the thing! LOL) Give the creature the crown.

CUT SCENE: A floor panel moves away and three levers rise out of the floor.

Walk to the levers and face the fire with the controls in front of you. Press Y and read my instructions carefully!

Place the Sun on II and the Moon on IV. (In Alchemy, the Sun represents the male and the Moon the Female.)

Now put Taurus (the Bull) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Taurus' door opens!

Go through the Taurus' door.

2G. The Armory

Objectives: Find the Broken Sword.

CUT SCENE: Indy exits a door into a courtyard

Break the boxes ahead of you and then climb the ladder to the right of where you entered. Now go up the next ladder.

CUT SCENE: Indy climbs out on to the roof and spots some bad guys. Apparently, Jade Fox (Hehe, probably not her real name. Just a Crouching Tiger joke.) spots him too.

Go down the roof and hug the right wall. Go around to the stairway and to the door. Hop up onto the ledge and then climb the ladder-like wall decoration into the tower.

Jump out the window to your right on to the chain. Climb down the chain and jump through the stained glass window. Defeat the bad guy and open the door on the right (when facing the balcony).

Go into the next room and climb the ladder. Climb up into the next tower and defeat the guard. Now drop out the other window and go over to the ceiling windows to your left. Break them and jump into the Armory.

CUT SCENE: Indy lands right on top of a bad guy.

Defeat the bad guy and proceed to the display in the center of the room. Break the glass and grab the Broken Sword.

New Objective: Return to the Astrologer's Clock.

Defeat your new friends and then go up the stairs near where you dropped in. Now go through the door to your right and up the stairs. Open the door.

CUT SCENE: Guards enter through a door ahead.

You can either fight the guards or flee up the ladder. (I decided to fight because I wanted their weapons.) In either case, eventually make your way up the ladder and then back up through that window. Use the zip line on your left to get back to where you started. Go down the ladder.

CUT SCENE: Guy with a MP40 enters the area.

Defeat the bad guy, pick up his gun, and go through the door leading back to the Astrologer's Clock.

2H. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 2

Objectives: Solve the second part of the Astrological Clock Riddle.

Pull the lever by the fire again and give the dude the sword. Back to the levers!

Put the Sun on the XI, the Moon on the III, and Scorpio (the Scropion) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Scorpio's door opens.

Exit through the Scropio's door.

2I. The Observatory

Objectives: Find Vega's Manifesto. Return to the Astrological Clock.

CUT SCENE: Camera Pans down the Castle's tower to Indy exiting a pair of double doors and then walking along a balcony.

Go through the door ahead of you and walk towards the arch to your left. Stop. Don't go through it. Instead turn around and climb up on the ledge behind you.

Hug the wall and slide around to your left until you're facing the doorway in the tower across from you. Let go of the wall and jump over to the other tower.

Go through the archway and to the table. Pick up the Stochov Fragment. Now jump back to that ledge and find your way back to where you climbed onto the ledge.

Jump down and go through the archway in front of you and up the stairs. Now turn right and go to the second set of double doors on your right (around the next corner).

Defeat the bad guy and go through the doors. Pick up the bottle and then open the next set of doors. Use the bottle on the bad guy and watch him fall over the railing to his doom.

Now jump out to the chain on your right and climb up it. Swing over to the ledge to your right and then jump up to the next ledge. Walk up the ramp to your right and around to the other end of the path.

Climb up on to the upper level.

CUT SCENE: More bad guys!

Take out the bad guys and climb the ladder. Once up on that level go up the stairs to the top of that tower and pick up the MP40.

As you go down the stairs from that tower top, you'll see a ledge to your right. Drop off of it and run around the tower to the other side.

Drop off the next ledge right down in front of a door. Don't go through it yet! Instead make your way around the corner to the right. See the stairs? There should be a ledge to the left of them. Stand on it and use the whip on the gargoyal head to get across to the Observatory Tower.

Walk around the planks to the door on your right and go through it.

CUT SCENE: Camera zooms in on an "important" set of gears.

Go up the stairs to your right and around to the table on the other side of the telescope. Pick up the lever and take it to the "important" set of gears on the level below. Use the lever.

CUT SCENE: The observation dome is opened.

Climb back up the stairs and fancy a peek through the telescope at my favorite constellation, Orion!

Now turn around and puch on the angel painting on the wall of the observatory. Grab the Manifesto!

CUT SCENE: Guards attempt to break down the door.

The bad guys must really want that scroll. Don't let them have it. (The scroll I mean. You can let them "have it" all you want!)

Defeat the bad guys and head through the door they came in. Run across the bridge and down the stairs to your right. Now left around the corner. Take out the guard and go through the door and down the stairs.

Take out the next guard and fill up at the fountain. Now go down the stairs to your left and through the door. Sneak up behind the next guard and shoot him at close range in the back.

Recognize where you are? Well, go down the next set of stairs and through the archway to your right. (If you didn't notice, we're on our way back to the Clock.)

Go to the doors on your right and go through them. Now around the corner and open the final set of doors.

2J. The Astrologer's Clock: Part 3

Objectives: Solve the 3rd stage of the Astrological Clock Puzzle.

You know the drill. Activate the weird dude, give him the Manifesto and then use the levers.

(You know, I bet it really pisses Indy off that he has to give all these pieces that "belong in a museum" to some weird lookin' statue. Anyway...)

Sun at VI, Moon at XI, and Gemini (the one with two people on it) at the top.

CUT SCENE: Gemini's door opens.

Exit through Gemini's door.

2K. Vega's Tower

Objectives: Find the Soul Crystal. Return to the Astrological Clock.

Go through the door ahead of you.

CUT SCENE: Camera follows the path you must take to reach the tower.

Jump out to the chain to your right and swing quickly over to the next ledge. Take out the bad guy and go up the stairs.

Push the next guard off the ledge and then take a flying leap over to the ledge across the way.

Hug the wall and sneak around the tower until you are right near the two guards. Ready your weapon and then peak around the corner and shoot them.

Now proceed on to the balcony and take out the third guard. Now go up the stairs. Take another flying leap to the ledge outside the window and walk around the column to the gargoyal. Jump out and use your whip to get across the heartstopping drop between you and that next ledge.

Proceed around the next column and jump out to the chain. Climb up it and then swing to the next chain. An then from that chain on to the next ledge.

Now around the column, up the chain and through the window. Finally! Solid ground! Walk to the windows on your left and jump out to the chain.

Climb down it and drop down to the ground below. Climb up the ledge behind you and through the window. Drop down into the room.

Walk across the room to the Cistercian Mask on the stand. Pick it up and head for the window. Climb back up the chain and swing back into the bell tower.

Hop in the red elevator straight ahead and press Y to ride it up a level. Get out and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: The Clock opens.

Climb the ladder at your 10 o'clock position and pull the lever.

CUT SCENE: Indy takes an insane flight on an ancient glider.

Quick! Climb up on to the ledge!

Walk into the tower and grab the red thing next to that strange looking electric chair.

CUT SCENE: Door closes, gas seeps in!

Hop quickly on to that fallen shelf and then from there onto the next shelf. Climb up to the ledge above and then swing through the stained glass window with your whip. Good luck!

Jump out to the chain and climb down, swinging onto the ledge below the window. Now jump out to the next chain and swing into the window. Go down the stairs and exit through the door.

1A. Gates of the Lost City

Objectives: Solve the 4th stage of the Astrological Clock Puzzle.

Same as before: Lever, Soul Cyrstal to weird statue, and control panel.

Put both the Sun and Moon on X and the Scales at the top.

CUT SCENE: Scales' door opens.

Exit through the Scales' door.

2M. The Laboratory

Objectives: Recover the second fragment of the Mirror of Dreams.

CUT SCENE: Indy enters the Lab and discovers a monster. (Hey, this is giving Alchemists a bad name!)

Defeat the monster with the beakers of Vitriol (Sulfuric Acid) found around the Lab.

(See the Inventory section for the truth about Vitriol.)

CUT SCENE: Monster breaks apart Vitriol containers and gives you a handy weapon.

Use the Vitriol-tipped bar to finish off the monster. Pick up the Dragon Shard and head fo rthe door.

CUT SCENE: Our old pal the Nazi is back from the dead apparently. Time to go to Istanbul!

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Today 28. February 2025
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