
Go to Level ...

Level 1 Canyonlands
level is more introductory I would say - for the gamer to get
used to the controls. Your goal is to reach the camp on top
of the mountain with a jeep and a helicopter. On your way pick
up blue and red crystals, gold and silver idols and pieces.
All treasures have some $ equivalent and at the end of each
level you can buy some useful things (medikits and ammo) on
the money you earned during the level. You can usually locate
treasures near skeletons - just watch carefully. There are two
snakes in this level - kill them both. If a shake bites Indy
use an antidote to stop the poison spreading over the body and
affecting health. Don't be in a hurry - before going to the
next area explore the current one, look for the treasures. Move
along a mountain path, climb above, pull a block inside a wall
of the next area - a passage will be revealed. Before going
any further get on top of the block and take Treasure #1, silver
coins from the niche. Move along path, use your whip to climb
on the ledge. Kill a snake when you enter the area with a ruined
building, and take Treasure #2, a blue jewel in the niche on
the right. Use your whip to get on top of its roof - it breaks
and Indy falls down (skeleton in the room) and down again in
the water. The current will carry you to the waterfalls. Explore
the underwater niche to the left and pick up Treasure #3, a
silver idol. Swim into the tunnel behind you. It takes you to
a green well. Acquire some Treasure #4, gold coins from a skeleton
and get on top of the area using stairs/ledges in the wall.
You will finally appear near the ruins again. You don't need
a whip to get on the roof this time. Explore the room with the
skeleton, claim Treasure #5, a gold bar and jump into the water.
Get out of the water at the waterfalls - you will see a chopper
passing above on its way to the mountain camp. Look around for
some Treasure #6, a blue gem in the passage on the left, Treasure
#7, a red gem in the passage straight ahead. Continue along
the last passage - on the right. Before climbing the first ledge
crawl into the room and pick up Treasure # 8, a golden idol.
Return, Go straight till you find a skeleton at the end and
collect Treasure #9, gold coins. You will have to jump several
times across the gap, use a couple of ladders and shimmy along
the crack in the wall to get to the highest platform. Kill the
snake, get the last Treasure #10, a blue gem in the niche high
above and jump across the chasm towards the arch. You can see
a camp behind it. After conversation Sophia Hapgood will give
you a piece of some ancient mechanism and the level will end
- Indy will fly to Babylon. |
Level 2 Babylon
are sniffing around all over the ruins at this level. You
will have to pass through all Soviet outposts, get inside
the base and find your way to the ancient Babylonian Library.
At the end of the level CIA agent will help you with the library
key in exchange of your cooperation with the government against
Russians. On your way pick up medikits, anti-poison substances,
weapons from the dead bodies and don't forget about the treasures,
of course. There are several locations with explosives and
barrels with liquid fuel on this level - use them wisely (I
mean shoot'em all - many good russian soldiers will not see
the dawn). Cross the ditch using the central columns. Move
towards the area with a tower and climb a wall on your left.
Then jump on top of the roof of the nearest building and listen
to conversation of Gennadiy Volodnikov, russian general who's
behind of all the story. Continue jumping to the next roof,
shimmy on the wall - you will see a camp with 4 guards. Move
into the cave on the right - it leads to a two-storey building
with a deep trench filled with water. There's nothing deep
down there. There's also nothing on the right-hand side of
the building, except two spiders. Walk to the left side, Hang
on the ledge and fall down, grabbing the ledge below. Pull
up and kill a spider at the end of the corridor. Start shooting
as you enter the cave - the barrel will blow up and kill russian
guard. Another one will appear soon - it's easy to shoot him
from inside the cave. Now run to the left, towards the narrow
gates area and kill all other pursuing guards one by one.
Get down to the camp and find some medipacks. Continue up
the ladder. At the end of the corridor jump down and kill
another guard behind the tent. Now pull the level in the niche
- it opens the gate, take all three medikits and kill a spider
in the tent. Continue through the gate, push and climb on
top of the box - Indy will step on the roof. You can sneak
inside the russian base if you jump on top of the truck. When
the truck stops a heavy battle with 3 guards and a sniper
on the second floor starts. Shoot the barrels and try to stay
alive. To kill a sniper run inside the far building and climb
up the box. From here you can reach the 2nd floor. Pick up
Treasure #1, a green gem. Now pick up all the ammunition and
continue down the stairs with the dead sniper. Use your whip
to jump over the gap and climb down a ladder. Now pull up
- you're in the base area. Kill everyone inside. Collect Treasure
#2, silver coins in the dark room. The gate is closed. Find
a niche with russian letters "LFI" (Leningrad Physics University)
and pull the lever. Immediately several guards will rush inside
the base - prepare to meet them with your guns loaded. Explore
the area, take medikits on top of the boxes outside the internal
gate. If you look down the bars in the floor you will see
water - your next step. Run through the opened gate, pull
out the box and crawl inside a revealed passage. Beneath is
a two-level watery tunnel, which finally leads to the library's
sealed door. Under water you can find some Treasure #3, a
silver bar, Treasure #4, gold coins, medikits, but the point
is to swim as much deep as possible and find a way out to
the next area. You can swim up and grab some air in the corners
of the tunnel - where you saw bars in the floor. Get out of
the water. Explore the corridor with the sealed door - a guard
will appear and try to imprison you. Time for CIA agent to
enter the scene. He will supply you with the key to the door.
Inside you will see a lot of explosives - shoot some barrels
from the distance and jump into the hole after the explosion.
In the water dive deep down and take Treasure #5, a gold bar.
Now get on top of the area using ledges in the walls. In the
room pull out a box from the wall and a central floor square
will become an elevator and take you deep under the ground.
Explore a small room with a gold disk on the wall and attach
a part of lady's mechanism to the construction inside the
wall. Also check out a strange geometrical slot in the opposite
wall - you will have to install all the pieces of the puzzle
inside this slot later. Now the elevator is fully operational.
The floor goes slightly up and it is possible to climb to
the above tunnel from top of the elevator's box. You're in
the ancient library (Why library?). Your task is to gather
three pieces of the geometrical puzzle (after it Indy will
be able to read some ancient manuscript) and the precious
gold statue of Murdock. You will give the statue to the CIA
agent on the surface later in exchange of your jeep. By the
way, don't forget to look for precious Treasure #6, a red
gem and Treasure #7, a silver idol inside niches with skeletons,
and, of course, before jumping down clear the floor out of
deadly insects. Climb up the ladder to the second plane and
push the box in the wall outside - towards the center of the
room. Climb on the box - now you're able to reach the bridge
on the topmost floor. Explore this side first and take the
first piece of the puzzle. Get Across to the other side and
take the second piece - bridge will break down. Carefully
jump to the left - a ledge with a square niche in the wall
with Treasure #8, a red gem. From that point you can jump
to the central column in the room and push the button on top.
It will open a passage below on the floor - jump down and
crawl inside to claim the Murdock statue. Now use the ruined
bridge pieces to climb into the deadly corridor with the last
piece of the puzzle. Crawl or be dead. Return to the room
with the gold disk near the elevator and apply all the pieces
of the puzzle to the slot in the wall - a hall opens behind
the elevator. Collect the prizes Treasure #9, a blue gem and
Treasure #10, a golden idol. Push the box out of the elevator's
floor, then punch the elevator button to get to the surface.
You will see the sun and the shining smile of cunning CIA
agent, of course. Give him the statue and take the jeep. Your
next appearance is scheduled in the snowy region of Tian Shan
river, USSR |
Level 3 The Tian
Shan River
lands on the snowy slope to continue his quest for ancient
inferno machine pieces. On this level you get acquainted with
wolfs - you can't kill them, just shoot in the air and they
will run away. Otherwise Indy will be seriously bitten. At
first you must shoot the guards and cross the border, but
the second part of the level is dull enough - you will have
to gather 4 candles down the river and put them all in one
candleholder in order to cross the bridge. Avoid icy water
in the river - you will be dead at once. However, you can
navigate the current with an expandable boat. If it gets damage
from the sharp rocks you can repair it with a repair pack.
You can't use anything else from the inventory while in the
boat (for example a lighter). To expand the boat step very
close to the water and select it in the inventory. To dock
press Ctrl when near the shore. If last time you left the
boat it had holes (damage) - it will still have the same amount
of pumped air inside when you use it next time till you fix
it with a repair pack. Explore the nearest cave and take Treasure
#1, gold coins and a health leaf. Follow the snowy slope.
Keep shooting in the air while moving - to avoid the wolf.
Jump down/Climb Up and follow the tracks of the red army truck
until you see the "USSR border" stop sign. Pick up Treasure
#2, silver coins on your way above the ladder. The border
is guarded with 4 soldiers and the best way to handle them
is from the hill on the left. You can see a small passage
to the left with another wolf. Climb the ledge and you will
be at the same level with the guard on the tower platform.
Kill him, hop down and kill another one patrolling below.
The third guard is across the bridge and he's got a rifle.
You don't need to open the gate. From the hill jump to the
tower's top platform and kill the last guard on your way down
the building. Explore the rooms and the vent shaft. One passage
leads to the room with Treasure #3, a cash box, another -
to the lockers with repair packs, medikit and an expandable
boat. Open the water gate and swim down the river in the boat.
After the rope bridge find Treasure #4, a silver idol behind
the waterfalls. Try to avoid rocks - but it doesn't matter
a lot. You will be able to fix the boat later. Get out of
the river, take Treasure #5, silver coins behind the stone
and follow the path, crossing the bridge. On your left you
will see an arch and a strange candleholder. Your goal is
to put all the 4 candles in its slots and light them up with
the lighter (press Ctrl with your lighter near the candle).
After it the bridge will become functional and Indy will cross
the river. Now go back to the other end of the broad passage
- you will see two more soldiers, a small house and a wolf.
Explore the lockers inside the house: you will find a medikit
and unlimited number of repair packs. Indy can hold a maximum
of three. When you return after each voyage pick up some more
- you will need them. Don't forget to shoot in the air - or
the wolf will bite you. Go further until you see the elevator
and waterfalls. Elevator is your way back point. The river
is a strange one - it has one beginning and several endings.
Each time I didn't care where I go, I didn't even try to remember
the way or somehow navigate in the currents, but at the end
I always was at the exact location where I needed to be according
to the plot of the game - the next candle. The first candle
is in the trunk of the huge tree (behind it you will find
Treasure #6, gold coins). The second candle was in the light-tower
(along with a spider). The third one is inside the building
standing on the water. The door upstairs is locked, but you
can break the window and pull the lever to open it. Only in
order to get the fourth candle I had to navigate the river
in my own way - at first I turned left, then there was a lighthouse
with a dead spider and after it I took a right current and
finally I turned towards the bridge on the right and got ashore.
Climb the ledge and take Treasure #7, gold coins. Cross the
bridge - you can see three pistons in the room. Your goal
is to get to the left side of the far wall's second plane.
You have to jump over the pistons in the following sequence:
jump on the rightmost piston, jump back to the near wall's
second floor, run through the barrels and cross the small
gap, jump on the leftmost piston from the platform, jump on
the middle piston and then to the far wall's second floor
side. Now gather Treasure #8, a silver bar in the niche above
the fourth step (use your whip to climb), the candle, Treasure
#9, a golden idol and a medikit (near barrels) and return
to the boat. All river's currents finally meet at one place
- near the elevator. Take Treasure #10, a blue gem, pull the
lever, step inside the cabin and you will get to the surface.
When you gather all 4 candles (or one by one) put them into
the slots of a candleholder and light them - Indy will cross
the bridge, enter the sanctuary and the level will end. |
Level 4 Shambala
level itself is a huge puzzle. It's quite a tricky one. The
four different buildings contain levers and mechanisms which
you will have to push and activate. And at the end of the
level you will meet the Ice Guardian - terrible creature,
a walking piece of ice. After defeating it you will get the
first piece of the Infernal Machine - the Urgon's part. Climb
up the ledges and get to the roof of the building. Cross the
bridge and enter the sanctuary. Shoot in the air to keep away
the wolf. You can't open the main building's gate, but you
can get on top of the low roof nearby to the left and then
climb up the left building's brick wall. The wall's climb
path is itself a maze which will lead you up to the roof.
However, before that you can pick up Treasure #1, a gold bar
located below the far end of the low roof. On the roof jump
into the hole - you're inside an ancient multi-storey clock
tower. Your goal at this time is to activate the clock's mechanism.
Until then none of the levers will work. Use the ladder to
the left and the ledges to get down to the ground carefully.
In the corners of the tower you will find: A ladder (to get
back on top of the building), a sealed gate (you'll need Holy
Woman's key), a hole in the floor. Jump in that hole - you
will see a strange icy creature stuck on the ceiling - it
will run away. Those creatures are quite harmful when you
face several at once, feel free to use your gun. Run through
the room with some mechanisms and you will see a larger room
with a river down below. Use the slopes on the right wall
to get down and kill the three icy creatures. Move the block
at the far wall towards the river and the water power will
activate the mechanisms. Now start climbing the middle ledge
and use your whip to get on top. From that place jump on the
lower moving platform. In front of you there is a stone ledge
with a skeleton - get health plant there. From the moving
platform you can also reach Treasure #2, a blue gem on a ledge
between the lamp and the right wall from here. Return to the
platform and jump to the next wooden ledge. Climb above and
jump to the second moving platform. From there you can finally
reach previous room. Explore the mechanisms and pull the block
near the wall towards center - the clock will be activated.
Return to the clock tower and run to a door. Press a button
in the wall to open it - there's no bridge, but you can pick
Treasure #3, a green gem if you hang and drop outside. Return
to the floor and start climbing the tower up to the gong-figure.
On your way up press both levers in the wall and a button.
The lower lever activates the gong-figure (you will have to
push it again later), the upper lever opens the gate on the
roof and allows to move across the bridge. The button will
draw bridges between small wooden platforms in the opposite
walls and you will be able to pick Treasure #4, a red gem
in the niche. Now run through the opened gate inside the forth
building - multi-storey bell tower. You will see a huge bell
down below. Your current goal is to pull it up and to activate
the gong-figure so that it will hit the bell causing the Holy
Woman appearance. Until that moment the lever to the left
is useless. Another lever which pulls up the bell is on the
topmost floor of the tower, above your head. To get there
you'll have to travel down first and push another lever which
unlocks all ladders in the tower. But Indy can't just jump
down (it's deadly), so move back to the bridge and notice
a window in the tower's wall below it. Break it and enter
the bell tower's floor. Kill icy thing from above through
a hole in the floor and jump down to the next ground plane.
Continue till you find the lever and push it. Now all ladders
are unlocked - climb up the topmost tower plane and push another
lever there - it will pull the bell up. Pick up Treasure #5,
a gold bar down below, where the bell was. Return to the clock
tower and make your way to the lowest lever (which you will
press for the second time now). It will activate the figure
so that it will hit the bell and a Holy Woman will appear.
She will give you a key from the sealed gate at the bottom
of the clock tower. Run there and unlock the gate. Your current
goal is to find and raise a flower which will unlock Holy
Woman's power when you bring it to her. You are in the main
building now - with a statue and a waterfall. Run through
the passage to the right of the entrance - it leads inside
the small building in the yard. Kill the icy thing inside.
Explore the house and find some medikits, Treasure #6, gold
coins, Treasure #7, a gold bar in the walkway above the bed
and the Great Monastic Seal on the second floor. Russians
will rush into the monastery. You can easily kill them from
the second floor's window with a rifle. Anyway you won't need
to walk out in the yard. Return to the main building with
a waterfall. On your way kill the three guards and rotate
the statue counter-clockwise two times. This will open the
gate down in the pedestal. Before jumping inside the hole
notice a niche with Treasure #8. a silver idol - it's a trap.
Take it and jump back immediately or the floor will collapse.
Now jump inside the previous hole and kill a spider in the
dark tunnel - it will appear here each time you will use the
tunnel. Crawl the deadly floor (a giant hammer) and kill two
icy creatures in the next room. You will see an elevator here.
Before stepping inside the cabin notice a corridor inside
the opposite wall - use your whip to get there. At the end
of the corridor you will see another Treasure #9, a golden
idol trap. Smash the idol with your whip - it will fall down
from it's place and trigger the trap while you're in a safe
distance. Collect the prize and return to the lift. Unlock
the sealed door high above with the Great Monastic Seal. You
are inside a room filled with water. You can see a lot of
wood beams and girders. On the opposite wall behind the gate
there is a plant you need. To unlock the gate you also need
the key - jump across the right-side girders and blocks to
the niche in the right wall (some of the blocks will crack
down and break up). Collect the key inside the niche and return
to the room. Now you will have to jump all over the top blocks
in the walls to reach the balcony with the plant. Not that
fast! At first jump clockwise till the first corner girders,
then hang and drop down. Now use your whip and jump across
all the low level girders in the counter-clockwise direction
till the opposite corner, nearest to the balcony. Climb on
the two last girders. From this point you should be able to
finally reach the balcony but something's missing - you can
find it inside a wall. It is a block. Pull it, take Treasure
#10, a silver bar and climb on top of it. Now you can reach
the balcony and get the flower. As soon as russians appear
jump into the water. The current goes right to the waterfall
but you can also get out from the water by climbing the middle
wooden block on your way. Now hang down and collect some treasure.
Hang again and drop down - you will find yourself again in
the elevator room. Time to raise the flower - make your way
to the main building with a statue and a waterfall. Above
your head you can see a large transverse girder. Climb on
it from the statue's pedestal and jump across the gap to the
platform on the right of the main gate. Hit the button - it
will move up the ladder on the opposite platform. Jump back
to the central girder and to the ladder platform. Climb up
to the top floor. You will see a locked door and a golden
grate. You must get inside this locked room. When Indy first
steps towards the golden grate window a cut-scene appears
in which you are advised to use a window to get inside the
room. Shoot through the golden grate and smash the right window.
Now run around the nearby library room till you reach another
window in the far side. Kill the icy creature, shoot the window
and kill a guard on the opposite roof. Now shimmy to the right
and pull up in the first broken window area. Only if the window
is already broken Indy will be able to pull himself up. Enter
the room and place the plant inside the golden chandelier
- it will start moving down and finally reach the water current
on the floor. Run downstairs and jump on the central girder.
From this place you can clearly see closed blinds above the
main gate. You can jump to the platform beneath it and the
blinds will open when Indy steps onto it. Use your whip to
wrap around a chandelier's log above and - you're finally
there! Light will rush into the dark hall and rise the flower.
Jump down and make your way to the Holy Woman to give her
the flower. On your way you will have to deal with 3 guards
in the clock tower. The Holy Woman will become a beautiful
young lady and open the portal door for you. Make your way
to the icy world of the Ice Guardian below. Downstairs you
will face a strange monster made completely of Ice. It can
climb walls and the ceiling, it is very clever and always
runs after you wherever you go. Before showing your nose out
of some doorway be sure the beast is not directly above your
head. Whoouhhh! By the way, you can't kill it for a while.
Are you already afraid? The Icy dungeon consists of 4 buildings
with no roofs. It means that the beast can easily nail you
from the ceiling if you're inside any of them for more than
half a second. Be sure to remember that. Upon your arrival
you will face the creature immediately - make a quick right
jump (Z + RightArrow) to the nearest doorway. The best tactics
against the monster is to remain INSIDE the doorway, more
closer to the outer side than to the inner part of the building.
If Indy is in that position the Guardian can't target him
even from the ceiling - it gives you time to think what to
do next. On the second floor/roof level you can see some passages
and bridges connecting the buildings. Your current goal is
to climb up the building's roof, run along all the bridges/passages
and use your whip to reach the room at the very top of the
cave. There you will get the Urgon's part - the first Infernal
Machine Piece. That thing is very useful against the monster
if used properly. At first find a room with a white slope
inside. Run up the slope and pull the block out of the wall
- now the passage on the other side of the block is free.
Run to the building in the opposite corner and climb the ledges
inside. Don't pay attention to the monster - it will always
be after you. Be faster. Run along the passage (all planks
will fall to the floor) and jump across the broken bridge
section (now the pushed block is out of your way). Continue
until you reach a room with a statue below. Climb up the icy
ledges in the right wall to get on top of the roof. Use your
whip to jump across the chasm and get to the destination room.
Inside take a piece of the Infernal Machine and slide down
the slope. To kill the monster you must blind it 3 times with
a flash that produces the Infernal Piece (Select it in the
Inventory or press "Q" and then press fire - Ctrl). Normally
you wait for the beast to climb down, run as much close to
its face as possible and flash the Weapon right into its face
- When stunned it stands on two legs. Quickly press Z+DownArrow
and run away from the monster. If you need health pick up
two health leaves on the tables inside some of the buildings.
Caution: The Urgon's part is rechargeable. Be sure it is fully
charged before use - or it will harm Indy too. When the monster
is dead find a piece of ice next to the wall which covers
the exit from the dungeon. Use the Urgon's part on it for
the last time and the level will end. |
Level 5 Palawan
weather in the lagoon is very bright, but the sea is full
of quite dangerous surprises. At this level you will meet
sharks and some other deadly fish. The goal is to find an
entrance to the aborigines' city. Indy will have to travel
vast distances in the sea, so better buy more medipacks than
ever. The best tactics against sharks is to keep swimming
almost touching the bottom of the sea. You can fight the fish
with your Machete but it will cost you a lot of time and health.
Crabs are friendly. You are on the sea shore. Turn around
and walk back inside the narrow passage until you reach the
deadly pit. Use your whip to cross the pit. Explore the remains
of the skeleton and find Machete and a medipack. Take Treasure
#1, silver coins behind a crate near the skeleton. Go back
to the sea shore and to the right. Follow the passage and
break the web covering entrance to the cave with your Machete
(key 6 to activate). Kill the iguana and run to the place
where it first showed up. You will find another cave nearby
covered with some green leaves. Break through it with your
machete and take a Spade (Trenching Tool). Walk a bit more
along the passage and you will see some white ground near
the plant (Indy will say: "there's something here"). Dig it
with the spade and pick Treasure #2, a silver idol. Run till
the end of the passage and pick a health leaf behind the rock.
Return to the beach through the cave where you killed a spider.
On your way find a cracked wall inside the cave, use your
Urgon's part to smash it and pick Treasure #3, a blue gem.
Swim to the far shore and get out of the water (Alt). If you
have machete in your hand then you won't be able to do it.
Kill Iguana on the shore and take Treasure #4, gold coins
behind a stone. Run to the cave's entrance and make your way
through the web with machete. Kill spiders. On the opposite
side you will see a sunken ship. Notice a torpedo behind the
rock on the shore. It needs a detonator. Swim towards the
back side of the ship and pull up on the deck. If you swim
around the ship you will see a large opening in the ship's
stern. Inside there's Treasure #5, a gold bar and nothing
more. Explore the deck - you will find a crane, pick up a
torpedo detonator in the box nearby and notice that all doors
are shut. On the second deck there's a lock which needs a
key. Your current goal is to get inside the ship and to find
the missing part for the crane. Then you will be able to turn
the crane and get to the nearby island with your whip. Return
to the torpedo and arm it - it will blow up a large crack
in the ships side. Swim inside the ship and pick Treasure
#6, piece of gold in the bottom. Now grab some air and save.
All the ship's compartments are filled with water and you
won't be able to find a place to breathe. Each compartment
is empty (not to mention the deadly fish - just don't pay
attention to it, you won't have the time to deal with it,
swim through). Deep Inside the head of the ship you will find
a box with the key to the locked door on the second deck.
But first turn around and swim to the opened underwater room
behind you - pick up a rusty hammer. It's the only thing you
are allowed to use under water. Now grab some air and swim
towards the head of the ship inside the opening. You must
find a locked underwater hatch which leads to the deck. Swim
along the corridors: right, left, left, right, right, left,
up. If you swim in the right direction the compartment is
lit in some strange way. Use the rusty hammer to break the
lock and open the hatch, then grab some fresh air. Now you're
ready to swim further and get the key - you will have enough
time to return to the opened hatch to breathe. You're on the
deck. Unlock the sealed door on the second deck and get inside
the ship's cabin. Take a handle for the crane on the left
wall and collect some prizes, Treasure #7, gold coins and
medipack down the hole. Return the same way. Now run to the
crane and use a handle to rotate it. With your whip jump across
the water to the shore. Dig the white ground and step on the
button - a secret grotto will be revealed not far from the
place where you started the level. But the door to that grotto
is still locked. Your goal now is to unlock that door. At
this point the map becomes crazy - it shows two different
cross marks. When I move to one of them - another one starts
blinking. By the way, if you swim to the far left from the
place where the level started you finally meet a strong current
and notice an underwater cave near the rock. You can pick
another Treasure #8, a golden idol deep down there if you
are enough lucky to avoid the sharks. Swim to the crashed
airplane and use your rusty hammer to detach a piece of its
propeller. Now swim to the grotto door and unlock it with
the new item. Inside beware of the shark and press the button
on the right wall deep underwater - it will open a hatch in
the grotto's roof. You will be able to swim through and reach
the water surface to grab some fresh air. Inside the grotto
you can also find Treasure #9, a silver bar. Now continue
swimming along the lagoon and get out of the water near the
cave. On the opposite side you can see a gate, but it's closed.
Go inside the cave and pick up Treasure #10, gold coins behind
the rock on the right. Climb on the stone basement in the
center of the cave and shimmy along two cracks in the walls
to reach the top ledge. Outside the cave press a button on
the wooden Idol's front side - it will open the gate. Return
to the gate - this will end the level. |
Level 6 Palawan
beginning of this level reminds the Demo a lot, but in fact
it is completely changed. Pick up some useful item in the
water to the right. Climb the ledge on the left side of the
room - you will see a block. Move the block towards the pillar
with a torch and climb up. Use your whip to jump to the next
pillar - you will see a textured wall with some cracks. Use
Inferno Machine's piece to break the wall and reveal the passage.
You will have to do it several more times during this level
- watch the walls carefully and listen to what Indy says.
Collect Treasure #1, silver coins in the left corridor branch
and slide down in the right one. You will find yourself in
the room filled with water soon. Across the water you can
see a double Gate. To open it you need to press a button above
and to get a key from the funeral barge. Kill some fish from
the shore and swim to the far left corner of the room. Get
out of the water and jump to the island in the center. Get
in the hole and swim to the next area. You can see a large
lava room with lava fountains. Be careful and jump to the
nearest ledge across the lava. Continue to the end of the
room and when you hear a boulder coming from the left - just
step forward and it will crack a passage in the wall behind
you. Pick up Treasure #2, gold coins up the ramp on the ledge
the boulder came from. Return and follow the passage in the
wall, take Treasure #3, a silver idol, kill a scorpion and
jump into the hole. You will see a funeral barge outside.
Take Treasure #4, gold coins from a niche on the right. Press
the button and the barge will start sailing towards the island.
Kill more scorpions, follow the opened passage, and jump into
the water. Beware of the two sharks! Swim quickly and get
out of the water on the central island again - kill the sharks
from the shore and pick up the funeral key. This will open
the second gate. Jump into the water and find an underwater
tunnel near some rocks in front of you. You will soon find
yourself near a large lava canyon. Turn left and climb the
nearest ladder. Shimmy right then follow the ladders down,
and into a green room. Collect Treasure #5, silver coins there.
Return to the entrance of the area. Run down the slope and
jump to the other side. Here your goal is to climb up to the
cave above in the wall. You will find three movable blocks
here. First two are not important - just pull them in such
a way that you are able to follow the passage. Climb to the
second floor and find the third block (it's right on your
way if you climb up the ladder in the wall). Move that block
to the edge and jump to the highest pillar in a distance -
the cave is above. Kill some unfriendly scorpions and move
on. You will find a button which opens the first gate out
of the double in the room. Jump into the water and go for
the second gate - you've got the key already. You're in the
huge lava room. On the other side of the room under the ceiling
to the right there is a closed door. Your goal is to cross
the lava pit and get to that door. The door is opened with
a button in the small room above to the left. There are several
ways to get there, for example to climb one of the ladders.
But when you press that button the room gets all filled with
lava. So to be able to cross it afterwards you have to move
both of the blocks on the two sides of the lava current into
colored squares on the floor. Now go for the button and then
jump across lava using the two pre-positioned boxes and a
central platform. Hey, don't forget to claim some treasure
in the far niche in this side's wall! Ok climb up, use your
whip and you will soon be in the doorway above. Inside, as
soon as you enter the deadly corridor (don't step on the marked
squares - poisoned darts) the door behind you will close -
don't pay attention and move on. You will meet Sophia - she
drops a ladder for you. Pick up a machine gun (cool!) and
a medikit and climb up. She opens the door and. Gush! Russians
imprison her! Kill some guards immediately. From this point
you will have to deal with a bunch of Russians here and there.
Pick up some items in the right room and follow the passage
(kill another guard) to the hall with lava well and a Monkey
statue. Kill both guards and crawl down the large gong. Push
a block behind it and get some Treasure #6, gold coins. Return
to the room and press the elevator button - 4 guards will
arrive. Kill them all and get to the surface. Kill another
two guards behind the lava current and notice a wall with
some cracks. Use your powerful machine toy to break the wall.
Inside use your whip to climb up to the niche and collect
Treasure #7, a blue gem. Now follow the lava current (a passage
down the left side). The area with the gate is heavily guarded
but you can shoot a barrel nearby. After all Russians are
dead pick up the key and some grenades on the table and turn
around. You will see a block in the wall but you won't be
able to pull it out until you clear it up with your machete
first. Now climb on the block and look at the wall. You can
see a cave above and you also notice that the wall itself
is climbable. Start climbing from the top of the block and
push a button inside the cave - it will open the gate. Pick
up Treasure #8, a golden idol inside and return to the Monkey
statue. Stand close to the Monkey but don't step on the border
of the lava current. Whip the Monkey's right hand (from your
side) and it will open the door to the right. Move in and
make some scorpions feel the taste of a bullet. You will find
a lava room with the gate at the far side which opens only
for a short time with a button on the left wall. You can cross
the pit using your whip but you still won't catch up with
the door. Still do it, jump to the far side and climb the
wall on your left (there's a crack). Follow the lava tunnel
and soon you will find a hole in the floor. If you don't have
much health throw down a grenade and the guard will be dead.
Jump down and use your key to free Sophia. Notice a box inside
- on top of it you can read "Volodnikova" - which means russian
general's wife. Strange isn't it? Ok follow Sophia to the
door - it opens when you push it - and then make your way
again to the room with the rapid closing gate. You will find
Sophia there. Indy will cross the lava pit and she will press
the button to open the gate. Jump to the ledge on the left,
climb up, jump across lava again and pick up a medikit in
the cave. Use your Urgon's part to smash the wall and step
inside. You will see a number of boxes in the corridor. In
the last box there is a Pulley - a repair part for the Cable
Way, required to finish the level. Push and Pull the boxes
to the end of the tunnel and the last box will open. Make
your way back to the rapid closing gate. Follow the passage
and pick up Treasure #9, a green gem under the stairs near
a skeleton. After the arch to the left there is another cracky
wall, which can be destroyed. You can ignore it and finish
the level by running along the corridor (watch out the deadly
darts). Kill the guard with a machine gun to the right in
the building with a cross-shaped lava hole in the floor. Proceed
and you will find a Cable way which requires some spare part.
Move a box nearby, climb on top of it and attach the Pulley.
Don't try to kill the guards which rush into the room - too
many of them. Get inside the Cabin and press the button -
you will cross the chasm. The gate on the other side is the
level's exit. Speaking about that last cracky wall. If you
follow the passage you will soon find yourself in a huge secret
lava room. Here you can pick the last Treasure #10, silver
idol in the niche above in the left wall. You are supposed
to get there by jumping over the high pillars. Note that when
you start running/crawling the bridge will also start crashing
beneath you. The best way is to run to the central pillar,
face it quickly, jump and grab. You have only one chance to
get on top of it. Jump across the chasm to the next pillar
and claim the prize. Now drop from the central pillar to its
basement and press the button. Some wall blocks will make
a way up for you. Inside the niche push the box and use Urgon's
part to break the wall passage. You're again in the deadly
corridor leading to the cross-shaped lava hole. You can use
your whip and jump to the next girder. Finish the level. |
Level 7 Palawan
this level you will come across with some Stone Monsters and
their Boss - the Lava Monster, which guards the second Inferno
Machine's part, the Taklit's part. The owner of this part
can become completely invisible for a short time "The unseen
can't be stopped" - an ancient manuscript says. The stone
guys are really slow (proximity triggered). It's very easy
to run from them, but very difficult to notice in the darkness.
Be careful. The monkeys are friendly. Jump across the broken
pillar lying on the ground and turn round the corner - you
will see the first stone monster in the level. Jump across
the gap to the next area. In that room you will see a large
lava lake with some unstable platforms appearing and disappearing
in lava all the time. To open the Red Tikki gate on the right
you'll need a key. Start moving in the clockwise direction.
The first couple of stone platforms don't move but after the
central one you'll have to jump through the three unstable
platforms to the nearest shore on the left. It seems to be
easy, but in fact it's quite a difficult task to do. There's
no time for any additional movements while you're on the platform
- it sinks immediately. The usual tactics should be the following:
between the platforms always jump normally (running jumps
will make you dead fast), to move to the edge of each next
platform make a step on the run, I mean don't use the shift
key to walk, just use it to turn quickly. On the shore take
a close look at the left wall - "A-ha! This wall looks like
it's ready to crumble!". The wall's surface really does have
some cracks - remember this wall, you'll need to get back
here soon. continue jumping across the lava to the next platform
on the shore. Climb up the ladder and go inside the cave.
It's very dark here but trust me - jump across to the other
side. You will be able to get down then from the left edge.
Go through the doorway and enter the room. Kill a couple of
spiders and pick up the Shark Key. A stone monster stands
near the right wall. Make all your way back to the wall with
cracks in the lava lake room. Use your Urgon's part to kill
the wall and step inside. Jump over the lava current and turn
left in the dark area. A couple of stone monsters are waiting
for you in the darkness - be careful. Find a passage in the
right wall - you will be able to crawl inside. Now unlock
the Shark Gate with the Shark Key and step inside. Collect
the Red Tikki Key and a boulder will start rolling towards
you. Quickly get on top of the block you've just picked the
key from and use your whip to climb higher. The boulder passes
beneath you. Collect Treasure #1, a golden idol in the niche,
get down and head for the opening, the Rolling Stone came
from. Jump across the lava current again and return to the
lava room. Now jump clockwise towards the Gate on the opposite
side. On the platform just before the gate you will see a
stone monster guarding some poison antidote - skip it. Now
make a final jump towards the stairs and open the gate with
the Red Tikki Key. You will also need this key later to open
another gate. Enter the next area - there's nothing left in
the lava room. Kill two spiders and collect Treasure #2, gold
coins to the right of the stairs. "No, no Mr. Monkey, I don't
have any banana to give you.", besides it seems to be busy
anyway. Gush! what those monkeys are always busy with! The
next open area contains several rope bridges. Most of them
are broken but you still can use them. Pick up a health leaf
nearby and climb the ladder to the left with the building
on top. Kill the lizard. You must cross the chasm and get
to the opposite side but the bridge is broken. Use the upper
bridge to reach the lower one. Make a jump across the gap
to the center of the bridge, hang and jump down. Now move
towards the small island. You can jump to the green grass
on the opposite side from there. There's also another rope
bridge connecting the island and the next open area with a
lake - skip it, it's damaged. That lake will serve you well
at the end of the level. Continue moving up along the green
hill. Kill the lizards on your way. The best tactics is to
climb up the ladder and to press Z+Left/Right Arrow to roll
to the side - the lizard won't be that quick to bite you.
You will see some water and a palm tree. Note that cave on
the other side - you'll have to return here soon after making
a long way through the caves. Pick up a health leaf and jump
into the water. Waterfalls will take you to the Piranha pond
- quickly get out of the water and climb up the ladder. You
will see the Monkey Temple ("Why Those doors are always closed?").
To open the gate you'll need the Monkey Key from the large
cave below. There's a broken bridge leading to the other side.
You can use your machete to cut off its supporting rope -
the bridge will become a ladder which leads directly to the
cave. But now you'll have to find another way to get across
the water to that bridge. Pick up some Medicinal Herbs near
the entrance of the Monkey Temple. One to the left and another
- to the right, behind the stone. Go for another bridge leading
towards the building and you will enter the cave area. There
are a lot of spiders inside and some spike traps. Be careful
and watch your steps. First, claim Treasure #3, silver coins
in the left cave, up the ladder. Return to the right cave
near the waterfalls and climb up. Continue moving along the
caves - kill some spiders and pick up get Treasure #4, silver
coins, Treasure #5, gold coins on your way. Use your machete
to cut spider webs. Finally, kill the spiders on the other
side of the hole with some spikes and jump across to the right
side. The floor has some spikes in it, so move carefully (walk
with Shift and still don't step on the spike). Cut the turn
by jumping to the right and walk outside the cave. You're
near the spot where you jumped into the river not quite long
ago (quite??). Cross the river with your whip and enter the
last cave. Both slopes inside lead to a safe spot in the cave
with some spikes in the floor. If you want to claim the treasure
use the right one. Slide down, jump and grab to reach the
platform with a spider above and claim the prize - Treasure
#6, a silver bar. It's rather difficult to do in the darkness
- you can't see the edge of the slope. Now kill the lizard
and get out of the cave. You can finally climb down the ladder-bridge
now and get inside the cave below. As soon as you take the
Monkey Temple Key the walls will start shaking - run for you
life and jump into the river. Climb the ladder again and enter
the Monkey Temple. Inside press the four buttons on the walls
in clockwise direction starting from the first button to the
right of the entrance. You will get a Green Tikki Key and
find yourself in the room with two boulder traps. Jump to
the central platform and run from the first boulder, jump
to the next platform stand up and hang - the boulder will
pass above you. Jump to the last platform and use your whip
to get inside the cave above. Walk to the edge of the next
ledge. Look down, shoot the spider and go through the doorway.
Shoot another spider and grab Treasure #7, a silver bar. You
will soon see a bridge. Activate a stone monster to the right
guarding those Medicinal Herbs and pick them up while the
monster is busy chasing you. Jump across the broken section
of the bridge and down to the small island in the lava. Cross
it to the left and collect Treasure #8, gold coins. Another
stone monster will be activated. Climb the ladder and use
both Tikki Keys to open the large gate in front of you - it
leads to the Lava Monster. Torches will come to life along
all your way to the shore. Collect Treasure #9, silver coins
on the floor. You will see a large lava lake and a monster
inside. He's very quick and can appear in any spot of the
lava lake immediately, no matter how far it was from his previous
location. If you won't be fast enough he'll burn you down.
Your goal is to collect the second Inferno Machine's item
- Taklit's part. This will make you invisible and help you
to cross the bridge to the other side which is guarded by
the Lava Monster. Until then you'll have to be very quick.
Go for it! Use some platforms in the lava lake to get to the
central one with the bridge. Forget about the bridge for a
while and continue jumping along the platforms clockwise.
Pick up Treasure #10, a silver idol on a standalone platform
and continue towards the shore. Two stone monsters will be
activated and the Lava monster will still be chasing you.
Run along the lava current and pick up the Machine's part
at the end. The monster will rise in front of you. Save and
make all your way back to the bridge in the center of the
lake. When the monster shows up use your Taklit's part (pres
E and then Ctrl) and become invisible. Get across the bridge
to the other side and follow the lava current. Another stone
monster will be activated behind you - jump across the lava
and enter the cave. Watch out your steps - the floor has some
spike traps. Outside you will see that lake I told you before.
Push a button on the wall and the water will rush into lava
lake and freeze it along with the monster. Return to the cave
and head for the level's exit - it's safe to step on lava
surface now. |
Level 8 Jeep Trek
is one of the shortest and easiest levels in the game. It
is also one of the most pleasant ones, reminding the Demo
level a lot. You'll have to drive a cool jeep during all the
level. All the controls are intuitive. Press Shift when you
want to drive fast/jump across the bridges. Press Ctrl from
the driver's seat side to get in/get off the jeep. So, that's
what an American dream is - you can leave the vehicle only
if you want to pick up some treasures lying on the ground.
Explore the dark caves on your way - usually you will find
some treasure inside. You can run over all the guards in the
level without even leaving the jeep. Aim your rifle at the
ledge above and kill those russian soldiers wanting your leather
jacket so badly. Pick up a medikit and Treasure #1, gold coins
in the tent and get in the jeep. Drive up the hill and cross
the bridge. In the cave get off to pick up Treasure #2, gold
coins. To jump across the bridge in the next area use Shift.
Behind the mountain passage go up the hill to the left, get
off and kill those Russians below, near the broken bridge.
Take Treasure #3, gold coins. You can't jump across the bridge,
use the hill, you're standing on, to do it. Drive through
the next cave and knock a guard under the palm tree. Save
and continue towards the bridge with three russians and a
damaged truck. You can kill them all without leaving the jeep.
Just drive at normal speed and never drive backwards - this
makes the jeep an easy target for quick russians. Pick up
Treasure #4, a cash box, then repair the bridge with a piece
of wood which you can find round the corner. Now you will
be able to jump across to the other side. Take the right road
first and kill those russians on your way. In the right wall
of the dead-end you will find a small passage. Crawl inside
and claim Treasure #5, a silver idol. Return, pick up a health
leaf under a palm tree and get back into the jeep. Now go
backwards and to the left road. The cave reminds a multi-storey
underground garage with a spiral road between the floors.
Hold down the Shift key and move along the spiral to the level
below. Keep the jeep close to the walls and you will stay
alive. Get off and find a cracky wall in the dark part of
the cave. It is near the cave's exit. Use your Urgon's part
and claim another Treasure #6, a golden idol inside. Go up
the high hill and drive over the guard on the top. Soon you
will enter a maze with some russian guards inside (they have
machine guns). It's easy to knock them down but beware of
the truck with a gunman on your left. It will chase you along
the maze path. Take a road to the right and move on. At the
waterfalls take a left. The passage you should take next is
clearly shown on the game's map each time if you turn "hints"
on. For the complete map and a way through the maze consult
my level's ultimate map. You can pick some treasures near
the waterfalls (Treasure #7, gold coins), building (Treasure
#8, gold coins), the crashed plane (Treasure #9, gold coins)
and the pillbox (Treasure #10, gold coins) - all guarded.
At the end of the maze kill those guards and go up the last
hill. Sophia Hapgood will pick you up on her helicopter and
the jeep will unfortunately sink. Bye Bye jeepy! You were
so cool! This will end the level - Indy flies to pyramids.
Level 9 Teotihuacan
will find yourself in the ancient multi-storey pyramid. The
goal of this level is to put up a mirror in the hands of the
central statue. When all the upper floors are enlightened
it will reflect the light and open a massive door to the next
level. Indy is inside a spacious rectangular hall. Turn left
and pick up a medikit in the small alcove. Now open the door
on the right and run down the corridor. You will have to walk
your way through some traps and kill a couple of scorpions
and spiders to get to the Gear Room. Take the Fish Key inside
the niche in the wall and immediately roll to the right -
the floor will start moving away, revealing a trap. Kill a
scorpion down there, jump inside the hole and kill another
one. Pick up Treasure #1, silver coins and continue along
the corridor until the door shuts in front of you. Retrace
your steps back a while - another door will shut, blocking
your way. Turn around - a niche in the wall is now open. Kill
the spider, collect Treasure #2, gold coins and press a button
- this will open both of the doors again. Now finish your
way through the corridor and enter the Gear Room. I will explain
the mechanism of the gears later. Let's go for the statue
right now. If you take a closer look at the hole in the floor
you will notice a small passage with a spider web just below,
under the ceiling of the room down there. That's the only
way to climb down to the statue room. Pull/push the gear towards
the nearest door if it blocks your way. Now hang and drop
inside the passage. Collect Treasure #3, a red gem at the
end, hang and jump down to the room. You're in the lowest
level of the pyramid with an ancient statue of goddess. You
must elevate the statue to the Gear Room now. Pull three columns
inside the walls and position them exactly on the illuminated
pieces of floor. The statue will rise and a door will be opened
on the second floor of the room, opposite the gate. Climb
one of the pillars, you just pushed, and get there. The idol
at the end of the corridor is a trap. Step on the floor platform
and roll back immediately. This platform is also a deadly
lift. Now grab Treasure #4, a golden idol and step on the
lift to get to the upper corridor. Claim Treasure #5, a red
gem and open the door - you're finally in the Gear Room again.
On the second floor you can see two levers. The left one turns
the statue, the right one - rotates the gears. The room has
4 doors in the walls. To open each door you must position
three of the 4 gears on one line between the door and the
statue. Now if you pull the lever that turns the statue -
the door will open, because of the gear interaction. The distance
between the gears and the statue may change. In the inner
circle they are rotated clockwise, in the outer - counterclockwise.
If the gear is located near one of the doors it will not change
its position during rotation. Indy can move all the gears
manually only along the radius. To open any door perform the
following actions: 1. Manually push one gear towards the chosen
door (this gear will not change position from now on). 2.
Rotate the statue till you get at least one gear on both radiuses
of the doors nearby, on the left and on the right side of
the chosen one (forget about the opposite door, across the
room and the fourth gear). In other words, you should have
at least one gear in the line, connecting the left nearby
door with the statue. Same goes for the door on the right.
3. Manually push one of the gears of these doors to a different
circle radius, for example if the gear on the left door's
line is in the inner circle relative to the statue, then move
the right door's gear to the outer circle of the statue. 4.
Now rotate the gears - both the gears you manipulated will
soon be aligned with the very first gear near the chosen door,
due to the fact that gears in both circles are rotated simultaneously
and in different directions. 5. Rotate the statue - the door
will open. Your goal is to open all of the four doors in any
sequence. Three of them, Fish door, Bird door and Jaguar door
lead to the corresponding idols (Fish Idol, Bird Idol, Jaguar
Idol), and the fourth (door with three-heads picture) contains
niches with emplacements for the idols. Fish door also leads
to the Mirror. You ask "How the hell you know that picture
on the door is a Jaguar, it doesn't look like much?". Simple
- it's written on the idol when you find it. After you've
got all the idols open the fourth door and place them in the
corresponding niches - the statue will be lowered to the room
below again. Open the Fish Door now. Swim through piranhas
to the idol inside the right wall and open the underwater
gate with the Fish Key you picked earlier in the corridor.
Swim through the opened gate and push an underwater button
behind the column. This button elevates the column. Get out
of the water, climb up the ladder and jump inside the tunnel
above using the elevated column. Shimmy left in the stone
tower to the nearest platform. Your goal is to climb up the
tower using its walls, ladders, platforms and your whip (once).
Pick up Treasure #6, a silver bar behind an idol in the alcove.
Finally, you will have to climb up a ladder to get to the
corridor high above. It leads to the first room of the level.
Pick up the Fish Idol and light will rush into the room. Take
a Mirror in the niche inside the wall to the left, Treasure
#7, a red crystal in the right wall and kill all those Russians
from above using your rifle. Now return to the Gear Room.
You can do it in two ways: jump into the water down below
from the top of the stone tower and go through the Fish door,
or use the corridor with traps, which you already know. However,
in the corridor a heavy armed guard is waiting. I used my
Taklit's part to become invisible and ran past him. Then I
killed him. Inside the Gear Room kill two more patrolling
guards. Now open the Bird door. You will come across another
stone tower with a water pit. Jump into the water and follow
the tunnel to get Treasure #8, a silver idol (the shaft towards
the top on your half-way). Make your way back and run up the
corridor - don't step on floor traps and kill all those spiders
and scorpions. At the end of the corridor, behind the third
trap, pick up Treasure #9, a blue gem. Move backwards a little
and blow up that brick wall with your Urgon's part. Inside
the room you will find a ladder - climb it. You will get almost
to the top of the stone tower. Jump/climb the ledges and ladders
to reach the corridor above and pick up Treasure #10, a green
gem on a ledge on your way. Kill spiders on both sides of
the entrance and proceed further. Kill some scorpions in another
corridor, pick up poison kit and press a button - a door will
open, revealing the Bird room. Claim the Bird Idol and the
room will become heavily illuminated. Return to the tower
and jump into the water down below. Enter the Gear Room again.
Open the Jaguar door. Kill a spider and don't step on the
floor traps (by the way, you can roll over them). As soon
as you enter the room a guard will rush towards you. Kill
him along with the other one, at the far wall. Climb up to
the top of the room, kill two more guards and claim the Jaguar
Idol. Now all the necessary rooms above the statue are illuminated.
Make your way back to the Gear Room. Open the final door with
all the three heads on it. (Important: after the door is opened
check if the passage in the floor's hole, which you already
used once, is free for hanging/grabbing to. If not - move/rotate
some gears before the statue is lowered, you can't move the
gears manually along the circles). Install all the idols in
the corresponding niches - the statue will move down. Follow
it and kill some guards in the room below (one will appear
just behind you), using your rifle. When everybody's finished
put up a mirror in the statue's hands - it will reflect a
ray of light coming from above and open the door to the next
level. |
Level 10 Olmec
level features a large Olmec Valley. Several regions of the
valley are connected with three bridges. To activate the bridges
you must position the corresponding Olmec Stone Heads onto
the proper pressure platforms. The goal of this level is to
reach the pyramid at the end of the valley. You will meet
a giant Snake Quetzalcoatl inside there. After you defeat
it you will get the third Infernal Machine's part - Azerim's
part, which allows you to levitate above the ground when interacting
with blue crystal of a strange nature. Get down to the valley
using the passage in the right wall. Cut through some green
vines, kill the snake and shoot a couple of times to scary
off the leopard. You will meet more leopards later on. They
often attack from behind, you can't kill them. Run along the
stream till you see a lake. Notice the three massive pressure
plates on your way. While you stand on any of them a corresponding
bridge above is activated. However, you can't stand on the
plate forever - you'll need to find some replacement. Dive
into the lake and pick up Treasure #1, gold coins in the underwater
cave. Get back to the first pressure plate and cut through
the vines into the cave in the wall. Avoid the leopard and
look for a crack in the left wall. Use your Urgon's part to
smash it and claim Treasure #2, a silver idol. Move up the
stairs (note that from this location you can also reach the
first bridge) and use your whip to jump across the room. Push
a block and Indy will fall into a dark tunnel. Trigger the
first Olmec Stone Head by stepping on the pressure plate in
the floor and run to the nearest alcove down below. The Stone
Head will roll down the tunnel and land near the first bridge's
pressure plate. Pick up a Treasure #3, gold coins above the
tunnel and get down to the valley to push the Stone Head onto
the pressure plate and activate the bridge. Make your way
back to the cave and get across the bridge. The second bridge
is close to you, behind the vines across the ledge but it's
not activated. Get down and pick up some Treasure #4, gold
coins in the dark room at the far wall. Go outside through
the doorway and enter another one below. Kill some snakes
and press a button inside the pool - it will open the door
to the next area. Kill more snakes and find a block behind
the pillar. Push it inside the wall 3 times. You will see
another tunnel with the second Olmec Head above. Trigger the
Head and run outside the tunnel or you'll be trapped (Hop
down immediately when Indy automatically grabs the ledge).
Now push the second Olmec Stone Head towards the opening in
the wall and it will fall down to the valley near the second
bridge's pressure platform. Get down there and position the
Stone Head to activate the second bridge. Russians will rush
into the valley. Make all your way back to the activated second
bridge and kill some russians on your way. I know what you're
already thinking of: "When the third bridge is activated I
will probably have to make ALL THIS WAY AGAIN another time!
Gush, it's so annoying!". Relax - you won't have to return
to the valley again. The third Olmec Head lands into position
more accurately and activates corresponding bridge by itself.
Cross the second bridge and use your whip to get across the
chasm. When you land russians will start shooting from your
back - run for your life. In the next area you'll have to
shimmy over a wall and jump across the chasm to the other
side, but before that get down to the floor, kill a snake
and collect some treasures: in the dark cave behind you, and
on your way, behind the fallen pillar Treasure #5, gold coins.
You will see a room with a waterfall. Inside the pool there
lies the third Olmec Stone Head. Your goal is to make the
stream push it outside to the valley. Dive into the pool and
climb atop the waterfall using the passage and ledges behind
it. Push the button on top of the waterfall - it will drain
the area. Get down and push the Olmec Stone Head towards the
opening in the wall, until it stucks there. Now push another
block near the waterfall. You'll notice a climbable wall.
Get on top of the waterfall and push the button again - the
water will push the Olmec Stone Head out to the valley and
trigger the third bridge. Continue to the next room, climb
up the ladder and cross the bridge. On your way kill some
snakes and collect Treasure #6, gold coins, from a cave lying
down below to the left of the pillar. In the next area you'll
have to use your whip to get across, but before that pick
up a health leaf below on your left. You will soon get inside
the cave with an Eagle-Headed Stone. Your goal is to get to
the top of the pillar-bridge outside. From there you can push
its top edge and it will fall, turning into a bridge across
the chasm for you. Note the door above the ledges to the left,
behind the Snake statue. There's a button which opens this
door for a short time - you will have to climb there fast.
Behind the door you will find the pillar edge you need to
get to. Kill all the snakes below and claim Treasure #7, gold
coins in the small room with a fire. Now press the button
on the building's wall and leave the cave. Press another button
outside and rush to the door I already mentioned. On the left
side of the platform just before the door look for Treasure
#8, gold coins and rush through the doorway. Push the huge
pillar's edge. Get back to the cave, Cross the pillar-bridge
and run into the next area. Follow the passage to an area
with some pillars. Drop down, use your whip to cross the gap
and crawl under the low pillar. You will find a Treasure #9,
gold coins in the alcove above the first pillar. Climb to
the high girder in the room. Drop down and get some coins.
Make your way back to the stone stairs at the top. Kill some
snakes and climb the stairs to see the stunning pyramid in
the next area. Another leopard guards it. You will find a
health leaf near the basement of the pyramid's stairs. Climb
up and pick Treasure #10, a golden idol. You will find yourself
inside the Snake cave. Remember your current position. Behind
the large doors in front of you there's a Snake Lair along
with the Azerim's part. Behind the other doors on your back
there's a small room with a pressure plate in the floor. To
kill the Giant Snake you will have to use four spikes in the
room's floor. Each of them is triggered when Indy steps onto
corresponding pressure platform in the corners of the second
floor's catwalk. To get to the catwalk you'll have to use
Azerim's part and levitate upwards (Position yourself under
any blue crystal and activate Azerim's part, then use cursor
keys to go up/down and Alt key to leave the power current).
All four times you should step on different platforms and
activate different spikes - otherwise you won't hit the Snake.
Start from the spike which is located behind you to the left,
then the one, which is in front of you and to the right, after
it - behind you to the right, and, finally, - the one, in
front of you and to the left. Giant Snake can't damage you
when you're levitating or on the catwalk, but it can throw
small snakes up there - you'll have to kill them. When you're
on the room's floor run quickly and avoid any snakes - don't
have time to deal with them. Just try to get back to the catwalk
as soon as possible. Hang from the platform and drop to the
floor. Open the gate behind you and step on the pressure plate
inside (To open the gates you'll have to light the torches
with your lighter on the both sides). Run to the opposite
door and release the Snake. You'll have to sneak past the
Snake and get the Azerim's part first. Then try to kill it.
When the Snake is dead a passage reveals on top of the room,
above the first gate you opened. Levitate up there using the
Azerim's part under a crystal in the ceiling and finish the
level. Volodnikov somehow manages to entrap Indy and grab
all his possessions. |
Level 11 V. I.
is one of the shortest levels in the game. It features large
multi-deck ship full of Russians and treasures. All the action
takes place on board of the ship. You start the level with
empty inventory, with no weapons and no machine parts, imprisoned
in one of the ship's cabins. Your goal is to find all your
stuff, repossess all the machine parts and leave the ship.
You will find the treasures, guarded by russian soldiers almost
in every cabin. While playing use your Taklit's part to become
invisible and investigate new rooms with guards remaining
undetected. Then you can think of the best strategy of fighting
them. Note, that Taklit's part can harm your health too -
if not switched off in time. Try knocking at the door - a
guard appears, leaving no hope of escape for you. Climb atop
the bed and open a ventilation hatch in the ceiling (The guy
on the wall is famous Comrade Lenin. Later you will find some
other Soviet attributes on this level - red flags and Comrade
Stalin portraits). Now knock at the door again and quickly
climb inside the ventilation system (It doesn't lead to anywhere).
The guard seems to be astonished with Indy's sudden disappearance.
Quickly hop to the floor, run through the door and lock the
guy inside. Now you will have some time before he manages
to escape. In the corridor you will notice some doors. Only
first two on the left are important. Behind the first one
push the lever - it will attract soldier's attention. Retreat
to the corridor and enter the guard's room from outside. Claim
Taklit's part! Continue to the large ship's cargo hold with
goods and containers. Use your Taklit's part to become invisible
and sneak past the guard in the center. Pick up all your stuff
in the ship's nose compartment. Two other machine parts and
heavy-firepower weapons are missing. Return to the cargo hold
and get on top of the box in the center (red one). Jump to
the blue one in the distance across some barrels and climb
up on the second deck (you can push/pull some cargo boxes
if you can't make this running jump). Kill some 3-4 guards
and pick up their weapons. Now go towards ship's nose (the
side with only one door). Behind the door there are two guards
waiting for you. Kill them (you will get Treasure #1, cash
box) or sneak past them and pick up the Urgon's part and a
large medipack in the small room above the ladder in the next
section (meet another guard). Return to the other side of
the cargo hold with two doors. The cabins behind both doors
are symmetrical. Inside you will find a couple of russians
guarding their money Treasure #2, cash box. Now find some
dirty rusty wall section in the cabin behind the right door
and crack it with your Urgon's part. Kill another guard and
get Treasure #3, cash box. You're in the corridor. Right passage
leads to the upper deck and a ladder to the left - to the
Ship's Crane Hold. You will need Azerim's part to get past
the crane, so move right. In the cabins above you will find
some Treasure #4, cash box, couple of idols (Treasure #5,
a silver idol, Treasure #6, a golden idol), and Treasure #7,
cash box, a large medipack and a bunch of soviet soldiers
guarding all that. Proceed and climb up to the main ship's
deck outside. Run to the rusty wall nearby and smash it. Kill
all the soldiers using your rifle/automatic pistol from inside.
Later you can kill all the guards and snipers on deck from
behind using invisibility. The next door has a ladder which
leads to Captain's Bridge. Watch the cut scene and grab the
Azerim's part in the darkness. Now get back to the Crane Hold.
Move the crane a couple of times and lift up the box with
a blue crystal. Now you can levitate to the upper deck (use
Alt to leave the power current), but before that check the
area behind the truck and get Treasure #8, cash box. Kill
the guards and open any of the doors. Behind you will find
a couple of russian tough guys. I used a grenade to kill them.
You don't even have to get close to them. Far below pick up
the Treasure #9, silver coins and press the lever - it will
lower the ladder to the top deck. Climb that ladder. There's
another tough russian soldier behind it - I opened the door,
threw the grenade and shut the door again to eliminate him.
When he's finished take the crank wheel, which is required
to lower the boat. Go outside - to the main deck. After the
final battle grab the is Treasure #10, silver coins on the
ship's nose, return to the back and use Crack Wheel to activate
the mechanism lowering the boat. Indy leaves the ship and
level ends. |
Level 12 Meroe
level features 4 ancient pyramids of Nubian kings. Inside
each pyramid there is a Lens Room. You must turn on all four
lenses to open the door to the next level. The light beams
from the lenses will show you the exact locations of the 4
one-eyed statues, which require an eye crystal to open each
of the four hand-type locks on the exit door. There are several
places in this level which trigger the appearance of Russians.
By not pressing some buttons you can postpone the Russian
threat to a much later time. Anyway there are few of them,
just 4-5 people, including a machine-gunner and some grenade
throwers. You will also meet some hyenas on this level. You
can't kill them with any usual weapon. Use your jeep to run
them down. Near the first pyramid there's a dark opening in
the wall. An aborigine boy is hiding there, frightened of
the hyenas. Talk to the boy and kill all the hyenas around
- you will need his help later. Next time you enter the opening
the boy will be gone. Go around the pyramid and notice a small
storage house behind it. Shoot through the window to blow
a hole in the wall. Pick up a drive chain, a bazooka and some
rockets and a medipack inside. Also take a bucket. Go to the
old mine. Use your drive chain to activate the drench and
get down in the pit. Examine the old mine cart and detach
a wheel from it. Continue along the pit, kill some scorpions
and take a watch near a skeleton. Now climb back and use the
drench to leave the mine pit (just jump with Alt on the moving
platform). Notice an old tunnel across the chasm. There's
something inside you want to get. As soon as you approach
the edge a boy will come. Give him your watch and he will
bring the eye crystal from the tunnel for you. Return to the
storage house near the first pyramid. Climb the pyramid's
wall (it's a maze) and jump in the opening from above. Inside
the pyramid kill some spiders and use your Urgon's part to
smash a wall down there. It will also push a moveable block
outside. Now stand on the top of the block and examine the
pyramid's wall. From here you can reach the balcony ledge
with pyramid's entrance, but the door is closed. To open it
move the block and climb the pyramid's wall. Press a button
inside a niche high above and climb down. Pick up Treasure
#1, a silver idol on the wall and enter the pyramid. Move
the blue block, climb atop of it and get Treasure #2, a blue
gem in the niche on the left. In this pyramid you'll have
to do several things (the sequence doesn't matter): 1. attach
the Bucket to some strange device in the pool area. It will
start grabbing water from the pool and initiate a small water
current which will rush outside the pyramid. This will fill
the empty pit with water outside the pyramid. You will need
this water pit later - it reflects the 4th pyramid's beam
and shows the correct position of the last one-eyed statue.
2. turn on the lens in the pyramid's Lens Room. Just set on
fire a piece of wood located in the center of that room. A
colored beam of light will appear and show a spot on the desert's
floor with the first one-eyed statue. 3. Find a way to the
next pyramid. You can walk in two main directions, the sequence
doesn't matter. Left passage leads to the pool area, right
one - to the Lens Room and to the corridor, connecting this
pyramid with others. The Lens Room in each pyramid is usually
located somewhere close to the top, remember that when you
look for a path/ladder. You can also leave some marks on the
walls of the maze with your chalk to help yourself not to
get lost, but generally you won't need to do that. Go to the
pool and attach the bucket. Now return to the pyramid and
go for the Lens Room. Here I skip some obvious actions. Climb
up using the ledges on both sides of the pit. Grab the Treasure
#3, a red gem from the sarcophagus and kill some snakes on
your way to the Lens Room. Use an Urgon's part to smash a
wall and press the right button out of two available - this
will lower the far block on your right and reveal a passage.
Go along the path and crawl right to grab some health leaf,
guarded by a couple of scorpions and Treasure #4, a blue gem.
You will find the Lens Room soon. Activate the Lens, exit,
turn right and jump down. The place looks familiar. Take another
passage now. Kill some snakes on your way and press a button.
Crawl to the opening. Climb the ledge. You're in the corridor
which leads to the pyramids 2,3 - if you go straight, and
to pyramid 4 - if you go left, to the room with a some sarcophaguses
and spiders. The sequence doesn't matter. Go straight. You
can shimmy over a chasm below if you do the following: first,
jump to the platform straight ahead, press a button - it lifts
a block in the wall for a short time, return quickly and pull
another block from the wall, so that it is positioned exactly
below the lifted block. Now the first block won't fall and
you can shimmy to the other side of the corridor. You will
soon reach a tunnel with an "eyed" block to the left. It blocks
the passage on your approach. You can pass through it using
your invisibility item. That passage leads to the Pyramid
3. And if you take the passage on the right you will enter
Pyramid 2. Sequence doesn't matter. Go to the right. Climb
the sarcophagus and push a door in the room above. Kill dozens
of snakes and enter the room. You're in the second pyramid's
basement. Behind the block there's an exit from the pyramid
but it will also trigger the appearance of Russians. Leave
the block in its place for a while. There's a hole in the
room's ceiling above one of the crypts - find it. Grab the
Treasure #5, a green gem, kill a spider and smash a wall with
your Urgon's part. You will be able to see the treasure through
the hole, but the opening is not large enough to pass through.
In fact the explosion has destroyed one of the crypts' roofs.
You can pick that Treasure #6, a golden idol in the crypt
on your way back. The passage to the left leads to the Lens
Room. Activate another Lens there and get back to the sarcophagus
room. Prepare to enter the third pyramid: use the Taklit's
Part to become invisible and get past the "eyed" block. Kill
some snakes in the skeleton room, find a cracked wall behind
the central pillar with skeletons and smash it. Pick up Treasure
#7, silver coins and climb up the racks. Above you will soon
see a square in the floor and a hatch above it. To enter this
pyramid's Lens Room you'll have to push some button (which
opens the hatch for a short time), return quickly to this
spot and levitate up. Move along the right passage. There'
a trap in the floor (some spikes) near the button. Press the
button and quickly climb up to the next floor, before the
spikes are activated again. On the top floor press a button
which opens the hatch and use elevators to get down. Kill
a spider and climb up to the levitation square. Select the
Azerim's part quickly and fly up. Activate the Lens in this
pyramid and levitate down through the hatch to exit the room.
Make your way to a corridor with a chasm, you shimmied before,
get across and enter the room with sarcophaguses there - you're
on your way to the last pyramid. Crash two subsequent walls
with your Urgon's part and pick up Treasure #8, gold coins
and a health leaf. The button in the far passage opens a hatch
in the desert's floor and triggers appearance of Russians
- avoid it. Go along the tunnel nearby. Climb the ledge above
and pick Treasure #9, a silver bar. Continue along the tunnel
till you reach a large hall with mine cart railway below.
Pick up a health leaf, jump across and shimmy left (the block
straight ahead won't move). Grab some Treasure #10, a gold
bar in the skeleton pit. After a while you will get to a room
just behind that block (kill spiders). Move it and use to
climb up the room. From atop the block, jump to the ledge
across the room. On your way up collect a piece of wood -
you will need it in the Lens Room. Round the corner on the
opposite ledge there's a passage you can shimmy to. Use your
whip to climb up and jump on the platform. Inside the Lens
Room place the piece of wood on the block and light it. The
final, 4th beam will spot some place in the desert where one-eyed
statue is hidden. To exit the pyramid turn right when leaving
the room and use the Urgon's part to smash a wall. This will
finally trigger the appearance of some Russians. It is not
difficult to shot them from above here. Get down on the ground
and kill the rest of them. Now find the four spots in the
desert shown by the beams. Each time you step on the correct
spot (however, move away your jeep) - a statue appears. Install
your eye crystal in each of the statues in turn and they will
open a door in the first pyramid's basement for you. The third
pyramid's beam spots a block near the start of the level (ruins).
Push that block to reveal a statue underneath it. The beam
from the fourth pyramid will show the correct location of
corresponding statue only if reflected from the water pit's
surface (remember that bucket you attached to a strange mechanism
inside the first pyramid?). The door to the next level faces
the old mine. Take a fuel canister from your jeep and get
inside that door. Find an old mine cart which needs a wheel
and some fuel and finish the level. |
Level 13 King
Sol's Mines
start this level riding a mine cart. Go for a ride around
several railroad sections separated with gates. When you're
in the cart they open on your approach, however, you can't
just turn where you want - it depends on the position of the
5 railway switches. You can change the position of all the
switches in the Switch House by pulling corresponding levers.
The goal of this level is to gather 3 King Sol's Gems, Eye
of Horus and install them in the Pyramid. During your quest
you will need to switch to different roads. Watch out for
the low pipes - they can hurt you if you don't duck quickly
(press C). Grenades turn to be very useful against outnumbered
snakes. Find the Switch House in the first large chamber.
Check out the map inside. This map is very schematic and gives
you only a slight idea of where to look for the switches.
After a couple of hours of searching for every switch I decided
to draw more specific map for your convenience (check out
this level's ultimate map) - now everything's easy. In the
Switch House you will find a medikit (also take a look at
the picture of young Indy). Behind the map there's an empty
fuse box, which requires a fuse to provide electric power
for the levers. Note that the 4th switch is stuck - you will
need some oil later. On the roof of the Switch House you can
read a strange message left for you by some of those crazy
game programmers. Drive your mine cart to the next chamber
(Railway station) and pick up the fuse in another railroad
cart. In the corner behind the boxes you will find Treasure
#1 blue crystal. Explore the two corridors nearby. The left
one leads to a dead-end with a TNT box. When you blow that
TNT it will reveal Treasure #2 an idol. The right tunnel leads
to the pyramid. Get back here at the end of the level. Return
to the mine cart and proceed - the road loops back to the
Switch House. Install the fuse and pull the levels 1, 3. The
sequence is not important. Besides switching to another railway
loop they trigger some actions with Russians. After you push
the first lever Russians take positions in all main chambers
of the level. The Switch House, the Railway Station and some
other rooms become heavily guarded and another mine cart with
guards appear on the road in front of you as soon as you board
yours. The second lever seems to be just a switch - it doesn't
trigger any action with soviets. If you push the third lever
and then ride past the switch 3 it triggers a cut scene of
a bazooka explosion and mine cart jump. And if you push the
4th lever (you'll need to oil switch 4 to do that) - the mine
cart with soldiers will finally explode in the dead-end. After
this cut scene Indy wisely pulls the 5th lever too - to switch
back from the dead-end (you won't be able to pull this lever
later - the only way to the 5th lever road segment is on foot).
Keep chasing the russian mine cart until you see a cut scene
of dynamite explosion. Get out of the cart and kill the remaining
guards (watch out for the electric cable - it hurts). Pick
up the key in the blown up area. This key opens the locker
in the Locker Room next to the Railway Station. You will find
some oil there. Take a ride to switch 4 and use the oil on
it. Find Treasure #3 a blue gem behind the pillar. Get back
to the Switch House, kill all the guards (there's also one
inside) and push the 4th lever - it works now. Now you have
access to all the railroads in the level. Starting from this
point you're free to manipulate switches 1-4. Here's the list
of items you will have to find (the sequence doesn't matter):
the Eye of Horus, 3 King Sol's Gems, some more treasures along
the tracks. When you have everything return to the pyramid.
Get the treasures first: ride towards switch 1, stop a little
bit before it and find Treasure #4 a blue crystal down and
to the left of the tracks. Also pick up Treasure #5 a green
gem near switch 2 (on the right side of the tracks). To get
the Eye of Horus do the following: In the room after switch
3 stop the cart and explore the area. Pick up the poison kit
near the skeleton on top of one of the boxes. You can see
a gold idol behind the opening in the wall but there's another
way to get it. Drive your mine cart backwards to the gate
nearby (on your right) - it leads to the beautiful waterfalls
chamber. Jump across those crates floating in the water and
use your whip to get into the secret room behind the left
waterfall. Collect the Eye of Horus. Jump into the water and
swim into the underwater passage. Adjust monitor's brightness
and find the red gem nearby Treasure #6. The underwater tunnels
lead to several locations: to the water pit remaining after
bazooka explosion, to the Treasure #7 golden idol in the previous
chamber and to the room with some sarcophaguses which in turn
leads to the King Sol's Green Gem. Look for the crates below
in the water - that means that there's something useful above.
Also Pick up Treasure #8 a green gem near the grated tunnel.
To get King Sol's blue gem do the following: Ride towards
the switch 4, stop a little bit before it under the broken
railway bridge and get out. You can get across the chasm using
your whip on the bridge. The 5th switch segment of the road
leads directly to the broken bridge. Follow the tracks on
foot. Kill the beasts and some russians and jump to the other
side. Behind the doors you will find Treasure #9 a green gem
in the dead-end. Look for the crack in the left wall of the
tunnel and smash it with your Urgon's part. Kill the snakes
and proceed to the King Sol's blue gem. There's a trap (spikes
in the floor below). Either grab the Gem quickly and do a
backward flip or use your whip to knock off the gem and trigger
the trap. It will be safe to pick it up then. Return to the
mine cart. To get King Sol's red gem do the following: Ride
the mining car past switches 4 and 5 to the Platform with
boxes and push the block near the left wall - it will reveal
a passage. Shoot the barrels and climb the ladder. Kill some
spiders and you will soon find a cave with the King Sol's
red gem. Throw a grenade inside a hole behind the gem - it
will kill some snakes. When you claim the Gem the walls start
shaking - jump inside the hole quickly. Move along the passage
and return to the mine cart. To get King Sol's green gem do
the following: Ride to the Pool Room, pick up a medikit and
dive into the tunnel. Pick up Treasure #10 a red gem on your
way and look for the crates below to find the room above.
Get out and climb those ledges, jump through the opening in
the wall. Kill some russians, make a couple of jumps and soon
you will find yourself above the pool, next to the statue's
head with King Sol's green gem on it. Grab the gem and dive
into the pool. Return to the mine cart. Now you've got everything
- move towards the pyramid room. Watch out - there are too
many guards in this chamber. Fight your way to the pyramid
and place the Eye of Horus inside the slot in the basement.
The pyramid will lift up. Jump across the ledges on both sides
and place red and green King Sol's Gems into the corresponding
slots. The pyramid will rise higher and a hatch above with
a blue crystal will be opened. Get down and levitate to the
upper ledge to place the last gem (King's blue one) - it opens
a door in the pyramid's basement. Levitate back down and pull
the lever - it will end the level. Indy goes to the Nub's
Tomb. |
Level 14 Nub's
level features large underground chambers with pillars and
hidden passages. Your goal is to claim the final Infernal
Machine's part - Nub's part, which accumulates some electric
power and allows you to open/use different electric devices.
The part is located in the middle of the deadly electric pool.
At the end of the level you will have to fight a giant Robot
Guardian - but he's not that tough. Jump across the ruins
using the pillars and shimmy right at the far wall. Drop and
hang, climb to the ledge and drop down to the corridor. It
leads to the Pillar Hall. Go straight to the end of the corridor,
kill some spiders and pick up Treasure #1 some silver coins
in one of the water chambers. Return to the Pillar Hall and
go through the doorway. In the next room with two massive
pillars climb the wall. You will see a slope leading down.
Slide to the passage below and crawl at the end of the tunnel.
Climb up onto the low ledge in front of you and pick Treasure
#2 silver coins. Crawl further and enter the 2-pillar room
again. You can open the door only if you provide the robot
with his missing arm. This door leads to the Golden Turtle
room. Push away the statue nearby and slash through the tapestry
which covers the passage. You will find a lever at the end
- pull it. Drop down to the new passage and enter the room
with grated floor. When you step on the first floor panel
it falls. Kill some snakes and crawl to the next section to
pick up Treasure #3 the gold bar. Get out of the pit and slash
through another tapestry. Pull the block three times and proceed
to the next room with 2 moving floor panels. To get across
them use the following strategy: Jump to the center of each
panel, balance until it stops shaking, jump further. Climb
the ledges and the ladder and enter the Anubis Chapel on your
left. Your goal is to climb up the front side and whip off
the hand of an ancient statue. Push the button on the block
- the statue above will move. Go through the doorway and find
Treasure #4 a silver bar on your right. At the other end of
the room use your whip to climb up and get on the roof. Jump
across some platforms, hang and hop down to the ledge on the
left side. Face the Anubis statue. Now whip its arm and pick
it up when it falls to the ground. Exit the chapel and you
will again enter the first room in the level. Russians are
already there! Turn right and go through the dark doorway.
Use your whip to get to the end of the green corridor and
press a button - it will lower a sarcophagus nearby. Pick
up the Treasure #5 blue gem behind it and move along the opened
passage. Kill some russians round the corner and make all
your way back to the robot with missing arm, killing the guards
on your way (many of them). Place the arm into the Robot's
arm slot and pull the lever to the right of the door - it
will open. Behind the door shoot a strange floating machine.
Your goal is to activate the Golden Turtle elevator and get
down to the next room. Near the left wall use your Azerim's
part to levitate to the ledge above. Get across the room by
jumping over the pillars, pick a medipack and press a button
- it will open the floor section in the center of the room
and trigger Volodnikov's appearance. He will move directly
down the stairs and the section will close. Push the button
again - to open the floor. Kill all the guards below using
your rifle and hang/drop down from the lowest pillar. Follow
Volodnikov's path, press a button to switch the stairs. You're
in a large room with rotating bronze gears at the far wall.
Time to trap Volodnikov! You can't catch him unless you set
a trap first. Several times I even managed to get face to
face with that guy but he behaved as if I was a brick wall
and disappeared quickly. Notice moveable blocks on both sides
of the room and block the middle passage. Pull one of the
blocks inside the passage and to the central crossing square.
This will prevent Volodnikov from using this way for a shortcut,
as he did before. It is also possible to close one of the
entrances of the passage with another block, but it seems
that you won't need that. Now start chasing Volodnikov - you
will soon see him entering the upper floor of the central
building. Each time he runs to the room at the far wall with
a statue and stays there until you approach. Use this to set
a trap: move the statue towards one of the exits of that room
and next time when Volodnikov hides in the room enter it.
Gotcha! He gives you the bronze gear and quickly disappears.
Kill the sniper and return to the Golden Turtle elevator room.
Watch out for those goons behind you. Face the elevator now.
Now you'll need to find a way to open the elevator cabin.
Slash through some tapestry in the column on your right and
pull out the block several times until you're able to climb
to the opening in the opposite pillar. The passage leads to
the lever which opens the gate somewhere down below. Return
to the column where the block used to be and drop down - at
the end of now opened corridor you will find a key to the
elevator's cabin. Return to the Turtle room. Open the cabin
and place the bronze gear inside the mechanical turtle's slot
- it fits. Nothing happens - you need some more weight. Now
get out and push the block inside the elevator's cabin. It
works - the elevator goes down, causing a huge counterweight
block at the left wall to rise up. Levitate to the catwalk
and use your whip to jump on top of that counterweight block
- it will lower Indy to the next room. Shoot a couple of robots
immediately on arrival. Climb up any pillar and get on top
of the room. Before climbing up the last pillar take a look
at the left and pick Treasure #6 a silver idol. Passage leads
to the water pool with piranhas. Dive and press the button
at the end of the underwater tunnel - it will rise a statue
from the bottom of the pool. Pick up Treasure #7 a gold bar
behind the sunken pillar and get out of the water - there's
only one low platform on your left which allows you to do
that. Break the cracked wall with your Urgon's part and get
Treasure #8 a red crystal. Now jump to the other side of the
room using statue's head and kill another floating robot.
Enter the next room - with the electric pool and Nub's part.
The electric ball can severely damage you - try running to
each next location only while it is charging. At the first
corner to the left you will find a cracked wall - smash it
and collect Treasure #9 the golden idol inside. Proceed to
the next corner and pick up a medipack near poor skeleton
fellow. Just before the steps use your whip to climb up to
the next floor. Your goal is to climb to the top of the room
- use your whip and jump across the pillars. There's also
a passage in the inner wall which you can use. Slide down
the slope and jump at the end to get to the last platform.
Use Azerim's part to levitate up to the upper chamber. Move
all lion heads towards the central hole in the floor, nose
to nose. Be careful, don't fall down there while pulling them.
Push the button inside the niche behind the middle lion -
this will raise the electric ball inside the room - it will
not harm Indy. Push other buttons: the gold one to the right
and the blue one to the left. Push it three times to lower
the level of the water in the pool - this will also trigger
Russians. You can lower down the electric ball again into
the room to kill the guards. Then raise it once more and return
to the electric pool room. Kill the remaining guards and dive
into the water. Get out at the small island in the center.
Note a socket in the wall - it penetrates a bridge, which
you will need to leave the island. Climb the triangular platforms
of the killer-machine and claim the Nub's part on top. Now
dive again and use Nub's part while standing next to the button
I mentioned. Cross the bridge, find a door with a similar
socket in the left corner and open it using Nub's part. You
will soon enter the room with the counterweight elevator again.
Run to the counterweight shaft and use Nub's part to activate
the power socket nearby. Now run to the opposite side of the
room to another socket - it opens the hatch above. Now you
are able to levitate above to the familiar passageway. Pull
out the block from the Turtle's elevator and step inside -
it will lift you to the top floor of the building. Climb the
stairs behind the elevator, jump and pick up Treasure #10
the silver bar on top of the shaft. Jump down and proceed
to the next room. Grab the medipack near a skeleton and use
Nub's part on the power socket at the door. Pull out your
bazooka, shoot another robot through the opened doorway and
enter the Nub's Tomb Room. Step on the pressure plate and
open the sarcophagus - a niche in the column with another
power socket will be revealed. Activate Nub's part and collect
the Nub's Eye crystal. Time to meet the Robot guardian. Activate
all the power circles in the floor by using Nub's part at
the corresponding socket in the wall. Install the Nub's Eye
in the special emplacement at the far end of the room - a
Huge Robot Guardian will appear. He's very slow and not that
dangerous as he seems to be. He will be short-circuited after
stepping several times on those power panels (about 6 times).
All you need to do is to hide under the central structure
and activate the dead power panels (a panel turns off after
the huge robot steps on it) from time to time. Don't step
on the panels yourself and don't let the robot kill you with
his laser beam - it hurts. When he's finally dead climb the
central structure and jump across to the catwalk using robot's
head. Press the button, cross the bridge and follow the passage
to the end of the level. Indy, Sophia, CIA Agent and Volodnikov
will have a hard conversation. After it Indy gives all the
machine's parts to the CIA agent. |
Level 15 Infernal
beginning of the level reminds the Babylonian library. CIA
agent and Sophia have all the machine parts now and are already
somewhere on the level. Your goal is to repossess all the
parts and place them into proper slots to activate the machine.
Looks like somebody has already tried to do it but all the
parts are placed into wrong sockets. It seems that it was
agent Turner who did this. You will meet more strange electronic
robots and some spiky bugs on this level - shoot them all.
The large golden disk that used to be in the wall now lies
on the ground revealing a passage behind it. It leads to some
strange machinery corridor, guarded by two floating robots.
Pick up a medipack and some rockets down below and shoot the
robots. Climb the structure at the end of the corridor, find
and press a button - it opens the central section of the floor.
Go down the stairs and you will meet Sophia and CIA agent
Turner in the large Machine's Core chamber. Sophia becomes
trapped in a floating power crystal and Turner escapes. Hang
and Drop or Jump into the water pit to the right. Get out
of the water and run to the end of the corridor avoiding the
lightings. Collect Nub's part - it will also deactivate the
lightings. Meanwhile pick up Treasure #1, a green gem, and
Treasure #2, a red gem, from the niches. You will need to
replace the Nub's part with the Urgon's part later. Return
to the water and jump across to the Machine's core. Run along
the corridor and jump into the power current - you don't have
the Azerim's part but you still can levitate up the current.
Jump on the platform high above and use any of the ladders
to climb up and reach the top of the strange headless horse
statue. Collect Azerim's part there - this will deactivate
power current. You will need to replace it with the Marduk's
head later. At the bottom of the ladder you will find Treasure
#3 - golden idol. Climb back up and jump to the narrow middle
section of the wall. You can use your whip to jump from here
to the passage on the other side of the shaft. You're again
in the Machine's Core chamber at a higher level. Jump across
the narrow platforms to the other side of the room and enter
another shaft. Jump into the water and climb the ladder. Finally,
pick up the Urgon's part along with Treasure #4, a red gem,
and Treasure #5, a blue gem, from alcoves in the room. Replace
Urgon's part with Nub's part. Run through the rotating platforms
and enter the elevator. You will descend automatically to
a room with Urgon's socket. Place Urgon's part in the socket
and return to the shaft - the elevator is operational. Go
two floors up and leave it. Jump to the narrow platform in
front of you, turn left and jump to the catwalk. Pick up Treasure
#6, a blue gem, and Treasure #7, a green gem, from alcoves
in the wall. Jump to the next narrow platform and finally
jump to the opening in the wall. It leads to another elevator,
which will take you to the next floor of the complex. Meet
invisible Turner here (he's got the Taklit's part). When he's
dead pick up the Taklit's part, a medipack and levitate up
one level. Jump into the doorway towards the electric ball,
use Taklit's part to become invisible and quickly deactivate
the ball with a button on the wall. Use Azerim's part to ascend
to the topmost level of the building - Meet the Marduk's head
there. Pick it up and replace with Azerim's part. This will
lower the Crystal with Sophia and open a door. Run along the
next corridor. On your right there will be a crawling passage
(use your lighter to find it). Get Treasure #8, a red gem,
and Treasure #9, a green gem from the niches inside. Return
to the corridor and step into the elevator. It brings you
back to a headless horse robot - Marduk. Climb there again
and attach Marduk's head to his body. Marduk slowly walks
into the Machine's Core chamber. Return to the elevator in
the center of the shaft and back to where the robot was standing.
Get Treasure #10, a silver idol. Return to the Machine's Core
chamber and install the last machine's part - Taklit's part
- into some kind of control engine on the right ledge. Pull
the lever and both Sophia and Indy will be dropped to the
next level. |
Level 16 Aetherium
level is something completely different from the usual Indy-like
style. You're inside some "multi-dimensional" substance, which
allows you to access different places from the levels you've
already been to in reality through special portals. To activate
a portal you'll need a Tool from Beyond. You can pick up some
treasures and health items in those small reality incarnations
along with the 3 King Sol's gems required to finish the level.
Anyway, you won't be able to imagine stuff like that in your
wildest dreams. Aetherium looks very strange but you'll get
used to it quickly. The main idea is that all the locations
of this level are connected through other-dimensional power
tubes/currents. You are safe and free to choose any direction
while you are inside such current. To leave the current use
Alt, as usual. You will also meet Marduk's two incarnations
on this level. And, of course, you will have to win the final
battle to finish the level. Leave the current and land to
a ledge below. You're near the lower levels of the Aetherium,
atop some cubic structure connected throughout with those
tube tunnels. To enter the current hang and drop to it - it
is safer then jumping through it. You can fly anywhere you
want but generally follow the map and you won't get lost.
Note that you can enter the core of the multidimensional cube
from several sides. Each time you will find yourself in different
tunnel leading to some location in reality. But first enter
the green tunnel (look at the game's hint map) which leads
to a blue room with the Tool From Beyond. Pick it up and notice
another tunnel below in the far wall of the room. It leads
to the upper levels of the Aetherium, but first, return to
the multidimensional cube and explore all its sides. Find
purple tunnel which lead to the Mines in Meroe. Get Treasure
#1, cash box and a poison kit. Look for the orange tunnel
leading to the wooden Idol in Palawan Lagoon. Pick up the
health leaf and Treasure #2, silver coins on the other side
of the statue. Go back through the tunnel to its end and swim
down. You will land at the floor of the whole cubic structure.
Shoot the spiky bugs then find a crawl passage. Crawl in and
get Treasure #3, an Aetherium Gem. Swim up the central current
and enter the cube from another side. Swim through the tunnel
with the rotating rings. You should come to a portal leading
to where you placed the candles at the end of the Tian Shan
River level. Turn right at the candleholder and find the ledge
with a skeleton, Treasure #4 gold coins, and a medipack. Proceed
to the next portal and enter the room. Shoot the strange creatures
and explore the surroundings. You can see poor Sophia in a
distance. Approach the opening in the center of the arena.
If you look down, you will see the blue room where you found
the Tool from Beyond. To get to the Monkey Island Easter egg,
do a running jump into the opening in the center of the room.
You should land in the Aetherium. Swim to the end of the tunnel
with the orange or brown stripe. At the end you can turn toward
a portal and go to Palawan Island or go through the new portal
opposite the Palawan one to the Monkey Island. Go through
the Monkey Island portal. Look at the pictures on the walls
and get Treasure #5, a golden idol from the table. Find a
tunnel which leads to the top of the Aetherium. Instead of
going straight through the small patch of Aetherium into the
big room, swim up towards the top. There are several exits,
but you'll need the one through which you can see a gem on
the floor. Go through the entrance and collect Treasure #6
Aetherium gem. Now follow the tunnel to its top and leave
the current in the room with Marduk. You can't beat him with
your usual weapons, "there must be another slightly different
way". In fact there is: find Teotihuacan portal and take the
mirror from the goddess statue. Armed with the mirror you
would be able to reflect Marduk's electric blasts and finally
kill his reincarnation. Blue tunnels around the arena lead
to its bottom level. Go there, kill some monsters and find
the pink corridor which leads to the portal. Pick Treasure
#7, a silver bar near the walkway and a mirror from the statue.
Exit the portal, turn left and follow the corridor to the
end. Blast the floating creatures, and find Treasure #8, an
Aetherium gem in a small alcove. You're back in the Marduk's
room. To kill him get armed with the mirror and try to reflect
his blasts to hit him. Marduk can float slightly or high above
the ground. In each case you should find an appropriate position
on the corresponding arena level. Run upstairs along the green
ramp or downstairs after each direct hit. You'll need to hit
Marduk about 6 times before this reincarnation dies. Take
the pink gem (Marduk Medallion) which left Marduk and place
it into a slot in the wall - the electric ball will lower
down. You can whip it to charge your whip with electric blasts.
Whip it 5 times and get 25 electric whip hits. After it you
will have to get back to this room and recharge. Swim down
the other blue tunnel and whip the electric ball with BMW
sign - the door will open. Again swim along the current and
enter the outer arena. You will see large gears located near
the walls and floating Sophia. Watch out for Marduk's ghost
floating in the center. Whip the electric balls of the inner
chamber to close its inner gates (it powers the gears). This
will also lower down the crystal with Sophia and free her..
just for a moment. Marduk reincarnates into vicious Sophia-Marduk.
Don't waste your whip electric blasts trying to fight her
now. Just avoid the flying monster. Around the arena on the
same level you will also find three portals leading to the
3 King Sol's crystals. Collect them all. Find a tunnel that
leads down below to the floor of the arena and swim down there.
You will see three doors with the slots at the bottom of the
arena - install all the three King Sol's Gems there and open
the portal behind each door - the machine will experience
a severe damage. Collect the goodies inside each portal (medipacks,
poison kits and Treasure #9, cash box). It will also reveal
a stone structure in the center of the arena and shrink Marduk-Sophia.
Climb the structure and fight the beast with your whip. To
beat Marduk-Sophia you will need a large number of medipacks.
You'll have to let her get as close to you as possible before
whipping with electric blast. She will need a lot of whipping,
trust me (about 10 or more hits). Don't waste your whip blasts
unless you're absolutely sure the beast will attack you face
to face. If you run out of whip blasts - ascend one of the
tubes and recharge the whip in the Marduk's room. Sophia is
released with the death of Marduk's second reincarnation.
View the melodramatic cut scene and get back to the controls.
Run inside the opened portal - everything is shaking around
you. Try not to pay attention to it and concentrate on jumps.
Your goal is to get to the top of the shaft. Finally pick
up the level's last Treasure #10, a silver idol behind the
fallen pillar on your left. Climb out and shake hands with
Sophia and . Volodnikov, who turns to be a nice guy appreciating
a true archeologist in Indy and offering rivers of vodka to
celebrate the happy ending of the level. |
Level 17 Return
To Peru
This is a bonus level, your goal here is to find and collect
the Peru Idol. You will need no machine parts to accomplish
it, however there are some tricky jumps and moves for you
to make. Pull out your bazooka and kill a leopard on the
right (yes, you can kill it!). Kill the snake nearby and
take the health leaf. Examine your jeep - take a raft (you
will need it only once). Taking a gas canister is also possible
but you won't need it. Note the stone front side - you will
soon finish the level at the same place. Launch the raft
and swim down the river. Avoid the rocks and swim towards
the platform on the left. Leave the raft at this calm spot
and step to the ground. You can see another health leaf
across the river. To get there dive into the water, swim
through the underwater cave and climb above. Now run down
the slope and jump at the end - Indy will grab the opposite
shore. Pull up and pick the leaf. Step down and look left.
Kill the snakes in front of the cave and pick Treasure #1,
a golden idol behind the vines. Return to the calm spot
and board the raft again. Continue down the river and waterfalls.
Dock to the shore and pick up another health leaf. You will
see two caves in the water covered with vegetation. Enter
the one on the left and swim to the open area. Climb out
of the pool, walk to a ledge above the water. From this
spot it's hard to notice another ledge straight across.
Just run/jump and grab it. Pull up to the next ledge, walk
up the slope, turn left and climb down to the niche in the
wall. Collect Treasure #2, a blue gem. Swim back to the
waterfalls and dive to the second cave. The underground
current takes you to a piranha pool. There are several small
pools in the area. You can pick a medipack near a skeleton
guarded by a lizard. Dive into the water and find a small
tunnel in the right wall in the room with crates. Get out
to the shore and whip across to the other side. The passage
leads to another room with a torch platform and skulls in
the walls. In the left wall you will see Treasure #3, silver
idol. Use your whip and let the idol fall into the water
to pick it up there. Light the torch and then dive. You
will also see another underwater tunnel covered with vegetation.
Slash through it and get out of the water near the whirlpool.
Push the block into the water and water level in the room
will rise. Swim up and on your way take Treasure #4, a silver
bar, in the niche in the wall. There are two corridors above.
Get out of the water and follow the one with a trapped skeleton
in the beam of light (it's a trap - don't step into the
light). Near a boulder at the end kill some spiders and
crawl into the opening on your left. Get a Stone Key. Now
return to the second corridor across the pool. Avoid the
dark stones in the floor (darts) and proceed to the far
wall. There is a keyhole for the Stone Key up the ledge
to the left which opens a section in the floor. There's
also a crawl passage in the wall to the right - but Indy
can't whip the ray of light above at the end of it. Your
goal here is to find a bamboo stick and place it into the
triangular hole opposite the keyhole - after it Indy will
be able to whip the stick from the crawl passage and climb
to the upper ledge. Descend to the opened floor section
and explore the dark caves. Use a couple of grenades to
get rid of scorpions in the darkness. Shoot the remaining
ones and enter the cave. Light the torches on your way up
and pick Treasure #5, a red gem inside a niche in te of
the room. Take the bamboo stick. You can climb the upper
ledge but there's a dead end. Go back through the caves
to the room, place the bamboo stick into the triangular
hole in the wall, crawl inside the passage and use your
whip to climb to the above ledge. Don't step onto the first
two tiles in the corridor (traps), jump into the third one
at the end. But before that climb several ledges up to a
passageway, turn around, jump/grab/pull up on the ledge.
Light the torch on the right, turn left and get Treasure
#6, a blue gem. Return to the corridor and step onto the
nearest dark tile to slide to the bottom. You are in the
snake pit. Kill the snakes, but they will keep appearing.
Pick up a medipack behind the skeleton and climb the ledge
at the corner. Your goal here is to climb to the small window
in the wall above the room. Use your whip to get to the
next ledge and climb to a platform with a block. Pull the
block so it opens a ladder for you, climb to the other side
of the block using the ladders. From this point you can
climb the ladder right and down to the niche in the wall
below or upwards to the top ledge. Climb right-down first,
shimmy right, pull up into a room and get Treasure #7, a
green gem. Hang and drop into the snake pit again. Make
your way back to the platform with a block and climb to
the top ledge now. Jump across the chasm and shimmy left
until you're able to pull up on the opposite platform. Stand
at the end of the platform - the window you need to get
to is just below. Face the wall now and jump backwards to
the slope below or hang and drop to it. Keep sliding and
at the end of the slope jump to the window and pull up.
Jump towards the opposite wall and grab it, then shimmy
left. Now whip the outlined block in the wall and it will
fall down - this triggers the big boulder. Drop to the floor
and follow the new passage. You're in a wide opened area
with ledges along the walls. Before you start jumping hang
and drop to the ledge below, climb the ladder and pick Treasure
#8, a silver bar. Return to the passage and look up above
the third ledge. There's a cave covered with vines and a
treasure inside. However, Indy needs to get to the door
on the far right side. Keep jumping across the ledges (the
wall blocks will try to push you in the chasm). Use the
following strategyhe wall. Use your whip to climb up and
jump/shimmy to a ledge with skeleton on the opposite sid:
perform a running jump, make one step back and so on (you
won't have time for any extra movements). The blocks will
make a stairway up towards the upper doorway. Keep jumping
but don't forget to slash through the vines and grab Treasure
#9, a silver bar in the cave inside a wall. Continue towards
the tunnel at the top. It leads to Treasure #10 Peru Idol
- the last treasure on the level. As soon as you grab it
the floor starts collapsing - run towards the door (the
last doorway sections of the floor will remain intact for
a while). Walk straight until a large boulder starts rolling
towards you. Get back inside the doorway and wait until
the boulder rolls above you. Quickly jump straight and run
down the tunnel (floor sections in the doorway will collapse
in a couple of seconds). You will have some time to slide
down the slope, then use your whip to jump across the pit
before the boulder starts rolling again. Find a whipable
spot above you and use your whip to climb there quickly
(look above just before the white tile near the end of the
tunnel). The boulder smashes the wall below you and the
level ends.
If you have any comments or suggestions please mail